Stefan Morariu

Prof. Liviu Galaction Munteanu în arest - 1959

Born May 16, 1898 in a family of teachers, Liviu Galaction Munteanu was originally from Cristian, Brasov County. He was formed as a theologist at “Andrei Şaguna” High School in Braşov and at the Theological and Pedagogical Institute of Sibiu, then at the Faculty of Theology of Cernăuţi, where he obtained his doctorate. It was …

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By the grace of God and the intercession of our saints, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel and the support of Father Dan Hoarste, the Vicar of Canada, the Miraculous and Myrrh Streaming Icon of the Mother of God, from Hawaii, will be in our church for worship on Saturday, February 17, 2018. …

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Many people talk about humility, many people talk about freedom, but very few understand that these two are the same thing. I did not propose to make a prayerful translation of St. Ephraim’s prayer, but I will use it because it is the most representative and most famous of the nine Christians today. Even to …

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The festive celebration from the middle of Ghenar from our cultural calendar brings us to the reunion with Eminescu, the “full man of Romanian culture.” Returning to Eminescu and his unrivaled creation will unleash answers and even solutions to the many issues that bring disaster and waste to the Romanian nation, helping her to find …

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Right after Theophany, all honors and glorifies the Baptist, because the synod assembly of the people in the church means to chant and glorify God, in honor and praise the great John the Forerunner and Baptist him that is celebrated. A group like this, even that it had all the churches that are worldwide, and today it …

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The Great Water Blessing, is a ministry committed only on Epiphany. According to the ordinance of Mineos during the revelation of the Lord, the consecration of water can perform three times: at the end of Holy Mass on the eve of the feast, after Matins of the Epiphany and, of course, after the commission of the …

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Following a historical decision, the exile of the poet Ovidius at the Euxin Pontus was revoked, 2,000 years after his death. The City Council in Rome adopted the decision to abrogate the edict signed by the emperor Octavian Augustus in the year 8th The act had brought Publius Ovidius Naso, a poet appreciated to the …

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