The life and Akathist of Saints Epictetus and Astion,

whose Holy Relics are worshiped in our church

The monastic martyrs Astion and Epictetus lived in Bithynia on the southwest coast of the Black Sea during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305).

One day while out for a stroll, the illustrious youth Astion met Saint Epictetus. During a long conversation Saint Epictetus enlightened Astion, sowing the seed of God’s Word in the young man’s soul. He spoke to him about the only true God, about the great value of the immortal human soul, and about fleeting worldly pleasures.

Astion came to believe in Christ and was baptized. Soon after this, he also became a monk. Since Christians were being persecuted in Bithynia, he asked Saint Epictetus if they might travel together to some distant land where they could dedicate their lives completely to God. Boarding a ship, Saints Epictetus and Astion journeyed to Scythia and settled among the pagan Slavs near the Roman outpost of Halmyris in the province of Histria south of the mouth of the Danube. The city was the site of a military fort and a base for the Roman fleet which patrolled the Danube and the Black Sea.

When they arrived at Halmyris in 273, Saint Epictetus was forty-seven years old, and Saint Astion was only eighteen. During the next seventeen years, the saints spent their lives in prayer and fasting, and performed many miracles.

The God-pleasing lives of the monks could not remain hidden from others for very long. People afflicted by various illnesses or oppressed by evil spirits came to the saints seeking relief. Saint Astion once cured a man whose legs and toes were crushed when he fell from a building. Even pagans asked the holy ascetics for help, and after being healed of their afflictions, they embraced Christianity.

Latronianus, the military commander of the district, arrived in Halmyris in 290 on an official visit of inspection. The pagan priests wasted no time in complaining to him about Saints Epictetus and Astion. They denounced the two men from Bithynia, accusing them of converting people to Christianity through sorcery, and persuading them not to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods.

The saints were arrested and interrogated by Latronianus, who tried to find out their names and where they were from. Their only reply was, “We are Christians.” Latronianus had them tortured in an effort to make them abandon their Christian beliefs.

After thirty days in prison without food and water, the holy martyrs Epictetus and Astion were once again brought before Latronianus. They remained steadfast and ready to endure even more suffering for Christ. The commander declared that Epictetus and Astion were traitors, and ordered them to be tortured and beheaded.

Saints Epictetus and Astion received the crown of martyrdom on July 8, 290. At first, they were buried in an unknown spot. Later, their holy relics were transferred into the basilica built in the fourth century by Saint Constantine the Great (May 21) at Halmyris.

Saint Astion’s parents, Alexander and Marcelina, traveled from Asia Minor to Halmyris in search of their son. After learning of his fate, they were converted by the priest Bonosus. Two weeks after their son’s martyrdom, they were baptized by Bishop Evangelicus of Tomis (July 7), who soon suffered martyrdom by being decapitated. Alexander and Marcelina left Halmyris in sorrow.

Archaeologists discovered the holy relics of Saints Epictetus and Astion at Halmyris in 2001. The bones were scattered about in two rooms of a burial crypt, indicating that the tomb had been vandalized, perhaps in the sixth century. Scientific tests on the bones revealed that one of the men was approximately sixty-four years old, and the other about thirty-five. This is consistent with the ages of the two saints as given in the written accounts of their martyrdom. The bones also indicate that the two had been beheaded.

The holy relics of Saints Epictetus and Astion were reburied in 2001 by Archbishop Theodosius of Tomis (Romania).

In May 2019, St. John the Evangelist Church of Toronto received the Holy Relics of Saints Epictetus and Astion for preservation and worship.


Akathist to Saints Epictetus and Astion

Beginning prayers:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glory to thee, our God, glory to thee.

Glory to thee, our God, glory to thee.

Glory to thee, our God, glory to thee.

O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come and dwell in us and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O gracious Lord.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. (Thrice)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name’s sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.

Kontakion 1
On Epictet, the pre-eminent priest and Astion, the most wise disciple, all come to praise them, that they honor Ermolae and Pantelimon, together they have revealed the gospel of Christ and, in truth, after the first called Andrew, the apostles of Dobrogea showed themselves: the sick of the hell, the demons goning, shining with the miracles and the power of the word, for which the torment also stammered from the tormentors, and with a good climb, always prays for our souls. For this we too are happy: Enjoy the Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyr’s doctors of Christ!

Ekos 1
From youthful times to defiance, you have spent the Epictet too much, feeding on the teachings of Christ, and when you have reached the age of old, like Samuel once, taking the grace of the priesthood, loving many people for miracles; for this we praise you honestly:

Rejoice, the one who led the righteous life;

Rejoice, that you had perfect love;

Rejoice, as you pray the Lord continually;

Rejoice, as in the high ones you have always thought;

Rejoice, that the eyes of the blind have opened;

Rejoice, as you have strengthened the slabanogi;

Rejoice, that the unclean spirits cast them out of us;

Rejoice, great mercy to those in need;

Rejoice, as the lepers have cleansed;

Rejoice, as to the faith you have called;

Rejoice, that the land of Dobrogea shields you;

Rejoice, that in our dangers you are hopeful;

Rejoice, holy Epictet, Christ’s silver and martyr doctrines!

Kontakion 2
By listening to the words of Father Epictet, your heart opened, your soul cleansed, and you received the mysteries of faith, then baptizing, following Christ, proving to be God’s beloved slave. That’s why, knowing our great faith, we come to you and humblely pray, “We have mercy on you, Holy Martyr Astion, of eternal death, so that we would sing to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 2
Desiring, holy Astion, to spend the angelic life, leaving the parental home and saluting yourself to the city of Halmyris, where you showed great wonderworking. As you go to the Danube, you have met a man with an unclean spirit, whom you immediately delivered with your prayers and the sign of the holy cross. And we, wondering about some like this, were singing like this:

Rejoice, that you were an earthly angel;

Rejoice, you who are a heavenly man;

Rejoice, that through the humbleness you have gained;

Rejoice, as the enemies with the sign of the cross have overcome them;

Rejoice, you who have done miracles with faith;

Rejoice, you who have frightened the pagans;

Rejoice, the demon exorcists;

Rejoice, great conqueror;

Rejoice, healing diseases;

Rejoice, for relief;

Rejoice, helper quickly;

Rejoice, of the Dobrudja defender;

Rejoice, Holy Apostles, Christ’s silver and martyr doctors!

Kontakion 3
A great governor running to you, Father Epictet, knelt in front of you, praying to have your daughter paralyzed. And you, holy, praying to God and her body associating it with sanctity wisdom, immediately healed. That’s why the parents together with you glorified God singing: Alleluia!

Ekos 3
Another time, a blind woman asked for you to heal, Father Epictet crying and saying, “I know who you are and I think you can do much before God; that is why I pray not to despise my plagues and not to take my prayer in desert. “And you, holy, marveling at your faith, you cured her also by seeing the light, glorifying God for which we sing you we some like these:

Rejoice, the help of those who lie in impotence;

Rejoice, the caressing of the angry and sad;

Rejoice, the one who gives the light to the blind;

Rejoice, you who bring relief to believers;

Rejoice, as many have healed;

Rejoice, the governor to you cried;

Rejoice, escape from temptations;

Rejoice, dear father;

Rejoice, spiritual image;

Rejoice, Doctor of the Soul;

Rejoice, much praised protector;

Rejoice, the prophetic belief;

Rejoice, holy Epictet, Christ’s silver and martyr doctrines!

Kontakion 4
The vip of desperate thoughts overcame him with humble thoughts, for young, the wisdom of the elderly you acquired, the martyr Astion, and overcome the temptations of his life. For this reason, please help us to get rid of the troubled thoughts and the weight of the troubles that come upon us, so that together we can sing to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 4
Having love for men, holy Ashton, you retreated, and in the mystery you prayed to the Lord for the man who fell from the height, who was almost dead. And God, listening to your prayer, immediately made it healthy, for which, by marveling us, we were singing like these:

Rejoice, for the fallen man, in the mystery you have prayed;

Rejoice, as you have escaped him from death;

Rejoice, the foundation of heavenly life;

Rejoice, the roof of the spiritual house;

Rejoice, the one who went through the celestial customs;

Rejoice, the health one;

Rejoice, you who raised the sick;

Rejoice, you who have healed many;

Rejoice, too kind prayer;

Rejoice, most useful;

Rejoice, pretense;

Rejoice, man too enlightened;

Rejoice, holy Astion, Christ’s silver and martyr doctors!

Kontakion 5
The beauty of the face and the agility of your consciousness do not want to put them at the service of the earthly, blessed Astions, as the chosen people and the wealth of your father as dryness, as a deer too sprung up to the ever-flowing springs of the teaching of Christ , which you have sipped from Epictet’s lips, once you have lit up with the divine love and without the tagada in the name of Christ, you have been baptized, Whom you sing now: Alleluia!

Ekos 5
Wise, Father Epictet, you showed yourself through the faith of the fifteen-year-old child, who was deaf, dumb and dry to the flesh, and healing it, he said to you, “In Christ Jesus, it is our new belief, , too happy, for He always brings benefits to men to this day. “For this, please, Father, please, receive from us, the unworthy, some like these:

Rejoice, as a miraculous spring of wonders you have shown;

Rejoice, as the healed mute, cheerful, the glory of Christ gave;

Rejoice, seeing the miracle, many of the city were baptized;

Rejoice, that through you Christ is glorified;

Rejoice, you are loved by the dobrogens;

Rejoice, that the Romans have godliness for you;

Rejoice, that the whole country is coming to worship;

Rejoice, the quicker for your help;

Rejoice, that you cheer up with the mighty powers;

Rejoice, the one who protects the children;

Rejoice, the deliverer of the humble;

Rejoice, escape the persecuted;

Rejoice, holy Epictet, Christ’s silver and martyr doctrines!

Kontakion 6
Always looking at your disciple Astion, Father Epictet, and seeing the sadness of death that held him, you cast him out of him, showing him the power of the blessing of the priest of Christ, which he bestowed on us, to overcome the doubt and the despondency , that together with all the saints we should play God: Alleluia!

Ekos 6
As apostles and disciples of Christ have received the inhabitants of the city of Halmyris, for signs and powers you apostolesti you really showed: on the paralyzed face you did it only with the word of the blind sight you returned and the irredeemed, for this, many people returned to Christ blessing the One who gives such power to men, and to you in this way you are happy:

Rejoice, as the people have brought to us the faith;

Rejoice, that you have defeated through prayer and forgiveness;

Rejoice, the wall of unquenchable faith;

Rejoice, of the love of God, the infinite fire;

Enjoy, make full use of Christians;

Rejoice, as the parable of life you have given us;

Rejoice, that the gift of healing from Christ you have taken away;

Rejoice, as our enemies have delivered us;

Rejoice, as for temptations that we keep;

Rejoice, as the sweetness of the passing life, you have not loved it;

Rejoice, as the brother of the wicked have ye broken him;

Rejoice, that the hatred of the enemy you have overcome;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyred doctors of Christ!

Kontakion 7
Whom will we count you, the loving ones, for the angelic image of the nun wearing, as apostles the Gospel did you teach and doctors without silver and wonders showing you, even the crown of the martyrdom then you took that many gifts and the worthy ones have shined in you. For this, by marveling us, we will be happy, singing: Alleluia!

Ekos 7
Pagan Latronianus, the provincial commander, entering the city of Halmyris, began to persecute Christians. And you, saints, have been partakers of some who have removed many of the idolatrous sacrifices. That is why you were brought into chains in the dungeon, but the prison cell of prayer pretended to glorify God with glory in psalms and prayers for which we also praise you:

Rejoice, as the pagan master of the beast, beat him;

Rejoice, that by great torture you have testified Him;

Rejoice, as the name of Christ on earth, you have preached;

Rejoice, those who have fallen idolate;

Rejoice, for by hope thou hast beautified;

Rejoice, for you have overcome patience and love;

Rejoice, as the church dungeon you reckon;

Rejoice, as the chains have not scared you;

Rejoice, as a whipping of numbness you have suffered;

Rejoice, that by faith ye have glorified;

Rejoice, as before Latronianus, that the sun shone;

Rejoice, that out of love for Christ you have greatly suffered;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyred doctors of Christ!

Kontakion 8
At dawn the courtroom was ready, and the commander wanted to lose you. Then, out of high power, receiving the light of grace shining like the sun on your daughters, the holy martyrs, the judge could not look at you, and the crowd of the people present, marveling, sang with you to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 8
He was terribly afraid of the tyrant of your wonderful marriage, the saints, and your troubles were troubled, for with boldness you challenged him, saying, “We are Christians, do our Lord’s will with us!” For this we praise you, saying:

Rejoice, for God’s sake, you have reckoned all the sorrowful sorrows;

Rejoice, as you endure torment, from the right faith you have not moved;

Rejoice, naked fire of divine love;

Rejoice, that by patience you have overwhelmed the angelic angels;

Rejoice, as for your courage the pagans have remained without voice;

Rejoice, that you have not become frightened when your body has burned you;

Rejoice, that through this, the martyr’s crown is agonized;

Rejoice, that the hatred of the soul of the souls with manhood has prevailed;

Rejoice, the rulers of hell;

Rejoice, heirs of the beauty of heaven;

Rejoice, as the fire of your lofty heart of Dobrudja was;

Rejoice, price margaritals of the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyred doctors of Christ!

Kontakion 9
On the plank, the holy martyrs, the tyrants hacked you with iron hooks, with burning faces burned your bodies, and in boiling boiling pots thrown you. But your faith toward the Lord from all your torment has left you unhealthy and, constantly confessing to Christ, you have been imprisoned again in the dungeon. Seeing these things above understanding, we marvel and sing to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 9
The much-spoken rhythm remains like a fish without voice, and it is not good to say how you, the holy martyrs, living in the flesh, have overcome the torment above the wings, making you the followers of Christ. And we, praising the Lord, He who strengthened you, we praise your bravery and gratefully thank you like this:

Rejoice, the great beauty of the Romanian nation;

Rejoice, blessing flowers from the mourning of the Dobrogea martyrs;

Rejoice, for the glory and honor of the heavenly Emperor you have fought;

Rejoice, the terrible torment you have endured;

Rejoice, O ye faithful servants of the Lord, who have fulfilled all your will;

Rejoice, those who before the masters have confessed the Truth;

Rejoice, the ashes of the ashes, in the martyrdom of the martyrs;

Rejoice, as the Lord loved you that you have done;

Rejoice, hot prophets of the divine faith;

Rejoice, that you have confronted the burning manes;

Rejoice, heirs of the good things of the eternal;

Rejoice, fast-praying for our salvation;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyred doctors of Christ!

Kontakion 10
Hearing one of the investigators, named Vigilantius, as you have been to Chinuri, you saints have not ceased for 30 days to confess Christ and still hear your word that whoever believes in Christ will have eternal life, not he could stop and confess Christ with a great voice and come to you in jail, he asked for baptism and with you he sang to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 10
As a true spiritual father, you guided the steps of your disciple Astion to the heavenly Father, Father Epictet, that as soon as you were separated from this world, you first cared for your beloved disciple, for whom you also invite us to this parental love, to play some like these:

Rejoice, those uncircumcised wreaths you received;

Rejoice, those who in your bodies and in your souls have glorified God;

Rejoice, those who with all your deeds Christ you have glorified;

Rejoice, that your hands have been lifted up in the work of good deeds;

Rejoice, as the steps of the judge in the true way you have set;

Rejoice, those who have not stuck your heart to wealth or worldly enjoyment;

Rejoice, as to the heavenly and to the eternal joy, have you meditated;

Rejoice, witnesses of the righteous faith;

Rejoice, worthy followers of the Apostles;

Rejoice, as in the dungeon you have made disciples;

Rejoice, that you were received with joy in the fog of martyrs;

Rejoice, that in heaven the saints will rest;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyred doctors of Christ!

Kontakion 11
While the martyrs of the saints endured terrible torments in the name of Christ, a traveler from Ashton’s country, seeing him in front of the judgment seat, and knowing him, rather told his parents. And when they came to Halmyris, after the martyrdom of the saints, they heard of the wonderful works of their son and received baptism, glorified God, singing to him: Alleluia!

Ekos 11
Your father, Alexandra and your mother, Marcelina, holy Astion, with a lot of love, cared for you. Just as Jesus once entrusted His Mother to the Apostle John, so you, holy, pointing to Vigilantius, have entrusted your parents. These, together with the holy priest Bonosus, then went to the great bishop Evangelicus, asking him to baptize them, and this one, rejoicing in the Lord, committed the Holy Mystery; and some of us heard like this:

Rejoice, as your fathers in paganism have escaped;

Rejoice, as they dress the baptism;

Rejoice, that thou hast delivered them out of sorrow;

Rejoice, that through faith they have found you;

Rejoice, the right pillar of the monks;

Rejoice, the honor and the adornment of the faithful;

Rejoice, the reassurance of troubled souls;

Rejoice, lifting those who have fallen into sin;

Rejoice, our hot helper;

Rejoice, healer doctor;

Rejoice, that you were perfect in the life of the monk;

Rejoice, that you are worshiped by the martyr’s crown;

Rejoice, holy Astion, the silverless doctor and martyr of Christ!

Kontakion 12
After cutting the heads, your bodies, the holy martyrs, were made white as snow, and those who were possessed by some bodily or soul weakness, touching them with faith and love, rather departed from them all suffering and pain. For this, the Christians, with godliness, took your holy relics, placed them in a crypt, over which they raised in Halmyris a great church in your honor, singing to God: Alleluia!

Ekos 12
As the barbarian peoples of Halmyris, the church where your holy things were, was destroyed, but by the care of God, they escaped untouched, and now, after seventy centuries, as a spiritual sunrise came from the earth to the enlightenment our caressing. And we, knowing the multitude of tamed things that have been done through your holy relics in old times, with love encompassing them and kissing them, with great joy we do not understand the word than these:

Rejoice, that your uncircumcised deeds have escaped;

Rejoice, as they were at the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin;

Rejoice, as in Dobrudja, to the holy apostle Andrew;

Rejoice, that after you and the martyrs Zotic, Atal, Camasie and Philip were confessors;

Rejoice, with saints Gherman and John Casian in heavenly inhabitants;

Rejoice, counselors of priests and martyrs;

Rejoice, good shit, who by the deluge of sins keep us;

Rejoice, faithful forefathers, those who direct us to the heavenly homeland;

Rejoice, as through you, the Trinity was preached;

Rejoice, as through you, Unity was glorified;

Rejoice, praise the Christian race;

Rejoice that all believers of Dobrogea will honor;

Rejoice, Holy Epictet and Astion, the silver-free and martyrs of Christ!

Kontakion 13
The long-suffering Christ, the holy martyrs Epictet and Astion, now receive this prayer from us, those who have bowed their knees before your holy icons, and as you have lighted the eyes of the blind and given the healings to the slaughterers, so also incense us all bodylessness and soullessness. Protect us from all the evil-bearing soul of death and soul and from all the quick trouble we have saved you, those who honor your remembrance and confess the miracles you have done with the power of the Holy Trinity to those who faithfully sing to God: Alleluia!
(This kontakion is said three times.)

Then say again the Ekos 1 and Kontakion 1.

Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Epictet and Astion
The Holy Martyrs Epictet and Astion, now looking to us, those who humblely fall before your holy icons and honor your holy holy ones and as some who have greatly honored you before the Almighty God, pray Him to deliver us from all the troubles and dangers and forgiveness of sins to our souls. And that those who are the adornment and protector of the land of Dobrogea, together with the saint martyrs Zotic Atal, Camasie and Philip, cared for the multitude of the faithful who will bring your honor.

Receive now our love, praise and thanksgiving to the merciful God and the gift of the Almighty, heal our soul and body diseases, as you have healed the child of that great governor. And as in your lifetime many people have healed, and healed our souls as well as those who have suffered from pains and pains. And as through pure life, faith and holy compulsion, you overcame the power of devil enemies, and you have won the mercy of our God in the glorified Trinity, so also strengthen us in faith and help us to overcome the struggle with sin toward winning virtues in the heavenly places. As with you, we sing to Christ God in the endless Kingdom, that to Him all glory, honor, and worship is due, with Him without the beginning of His Father and the Most Holy and Good and the Life of His Creator, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen.