Romanian saints

Saint John Cassian the Roman was born around 360, probably in Lesser Scythia (in Dacia Pontica). His pious Christian parents gave him an excellent classical education, and also instructed him in the Holy Scriptures and in the spiritual life. St John entered a monastery in the diocese of Tomis, where his friend and relative St …

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Deoarece Sfântul Pă­rinte Antonie cel Mare, „Patriarhul monahismului or­to­dox“, ne spune în Patericul e­giptean că „în tot ce faci, să ai mărturia Sfintelor Scripturi“ (avva Antonie 5), rânduim la în­ceputul cuvântului nostru ar­hieresc, teologic şi duhovnicesc, de apărare a preacuviosului părintelui nostru Arsenie de la Prislop, la 26 de ani de la trece­rea Sfinţiei Sale …

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The Martyr soldiers are a special category of saints in the Christian Tradition of the first centuries. Together with the more famous St. George, St. Demetrius or St. Theodor Stratilates, Saint Mercurius is considered as being a model of a Roman soldier who became a soldier of Christ against the polytheism. The life of Saint …

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sf antim1

Saint Anthimus of Iberia was one of the most highly educated people of his time. He was fluent in many languages, including Greek, Romanian, Old Slavonic, Arabic, and Turkish and well-versed in theology, literature, and the natural sciences. He was unusually gifted in the fine arts—in painting, engraving, and sculpture in particular. He was famed …

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Iubitorul de Dumnezeu şi voievodul cel înţelept al ro­mânilor, Sfântul Neagoe Basarab este prăznuit astăzi, 26 septembrie, cu multă evlavie de credincioşii or­to­docşi români. Pentru faptele sale cele mari, plăcute lui Dumnezeu şi oamenilor, care au rămas moştenire sfântă poporului român bine­cre­din­cios, Sfântul Voievod Nea­goe Basarab, domnul Ţării Ro­mâ­neşti, a fost trecut în rândul sfinţilor, …

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Dupa anul 313, cand imparatul Constantin cel Mare a acordat libertate crestinismului in imperiul roman, a urmat o perioada de pace pentru Biserica lui Hristos. Dar dupa aproape o jumatate de veac, a aparut o ultima incercare de reinviere a paganismului, pornita de imparatul Iulian Apostatul (361-363), numit asa tocmai pentru ca se lepadase de …

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