Romanian saints

Noble branch Martyr Constantine was born in 1654 in the old manorial nation of Brâncoveni of Oltenia. His grandfather, great magistrate Preda Brancoveanu, he built the famous monasteries as One Wood Monastery, built in 1634-1635 by him to the ground, Brancoveanu Monastery, settlement of the sixteenth century, painted and endowed in 1633 teach with his …

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Holy Virgin Filofteia was born in the city of Tarnovo in Bulgaria, and remaining orphaned following the death of his mother, wise by the Holy Spirit, he began to work with zeal works best. Soon after the death of his mother, father Holy Filofteia took another woman saw them mercy, made his incessant troubles, beating …

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Sfântul Cuvios și de Dumnezeu purtătorul Părintele nostru Grigorie Decapolitul s-a născut la sfârșitul secolului VIII, în jurul anului 790. A dus o viață monahală exemplară și a rămas renumit pentru dârzenia cu care a apărat cultul icoanelor. A murit într-o mănăstire din Constantinopol, în ziua de 20 noiembrie 842. Cinstitele sale moaște, după mai …

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Sfântul Cuvios Dionisie Exiguul (Smeritul) este una dintre marile personalităţi ale teologiei străromâne din sec.V-VI, cel care a marcat cultura universală prin aşezarea numărării anilor începând cu Hristos, Mântuitorul lumii. Prin opera sa (Patrologia latină, vol. 67) şi prin contactele dintre romanitatea răsăriteană şi cea apuseană, Sfântul Cuvios Dionisie Exiguul (Smeritul) a realizat o „osmoză …

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Constantin Brâncoveanu was born in 1654 from the parents of Papa Postelnicul and Stanca Cantacuzino. Constantine grew up without a father because he died when he was only a year old. She is raised by her mother, grandmother from father Păuna Greceanu and his uncle, Stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino, whom he gets to love like a …

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