Church celebrates Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel together with all the angels. By the word “archangel” we mean “greater than angels” or “the first of the angels.” And “angel” means “messenger” because herald angels on earth and make known God’s people. The angels are “ministering spirits,” says the prophet David; Him, Who make His angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire (Psalm 103: 5). They were created by God before man, and the visible world, but not through words, but only as a thought, and God has created.
Angels are divided after Fathers in new bands and each band has a certain mission fulfilled in heaven and on earth. The angels are spirits, that have bodies immaterial, immortal or, as the Apostle Paul says, were “heavenly bodies” that angelic bodies, which are distinguished from the flesh and soul of the people who are mortal. The main purpose for which they were created angels, which forms the unseen world is to glorify God unceasingly. Then to fulfill His will in all things, to make known God’s people and to help people to fulfill His commandments.
There were cases both in the Old Testament, and in the gift law, when people made the angels idols and adored them, that their worshiped as God (IV Kings 17, 16). The Church from the beginning refuted this mistake, teaching that angels are not creators of the world, but are spirits created by God to fulfill His will.
Fathers but secured a day dedicated to honoring the Holy Angels and Archangels because they help us to know God’s will and we can fulfill it. This day is November 8, because number 8 is the symbol of eternal life; and November is the ninth month of the creation, which was committed in March as a symbol of the nine orders of angels.
Of all the Fathers best he speaks of angels St. Dionysius, the disciple of St. Paul. He says that angels are divided into nine divisions, each with its name and mission. Angelic legions are divided into three hierarchies or groups namely: the uppermost hierarchy, near Blessed Trinity, consists of the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. They sit around the throne of God surrounded the flaming fire and make known His angels below. The hierarchy consists of Messrs middle, Powers and masters, as he called the Apostle Paul, the chosen vessel of Christ. They prevail angels below and exalted powers of hell and the entire universe. The lower hierarchy is made up of beginners, Archangels and Angels. These are the closest people to whom they make known God’s will and help them escape the snares and assaults of evil angels, devils ie temptations and allurements.
The great prophet Isaiah says that the Seraphim are round about him, having six wings (Isaiah 6: 2). They are the face of the fire, as the prophet
David says:  You Who make your angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire (Psalm 103: 5). Seraphim people light up with fire of divine love and their name shows him that the Hebrew language “Seraphim” is interpreted, “who light up” or “heat”.
After the Seraphim, Cherubim wise stand before God, many-eyed, which, more than other bands below shining light ceaselessly understanding and knowledge of God. Cherubim being enlightened in the mysteries of God, the deep knowledge and divine wisdom, enlighten others; for himself the name “Cherubim” in the Hebrew language the same, private interpretation “more understanding” or “outpouring of wisdom.” Cherubim wisdom flows through the eye up and gives spiritual light to the knowledge of God.
Fog third Thrones called to stand before him who sits on high chair and exalted (Isaiah 6: 1). They are called so because on them, as some chairs understanding, God rests thoughtfully, and writes St. Maximus the Confessor; ie not with being but with the service and gift.
In the middle hierarchy, the first band is called fog reign, because lord it over the other angels are under them. They “cast off all fear being free and slave, willingly and joyfully serve the Lord without ceasing.” They poured out people who are placed as rulers of God, the power of understanding and mastery of the wise dispensation as well and justly reign over their assigned countries. These angels help people to control his feelings and passions afflict those without the order the things, subjecting the flesh to the spirit.
Fog Powers celestial turns restlessly mighty and strong will of the Lord of hosts, planets and stars ruler of the universe; gives people the power of prophecy and the gift of miracle and helps Christians to endure strongly sorrows of life and to keep the commandments of Christ.
Fog masters, is called so that these angels have great power over demons. They squander their domination and deliver people not to fall into the terrible temptations that lead to death and the condemnation of hell.
In the lower hierarchy is the first band to beginners. They are called so because they exalted angels who are under their obedience, making them known will of God. Their mission is to straighten everyone; they keep countries, the thrones of leading; they observe the boundaries of nations, cities, towns, villages, languages, churches and pastors of souls. They help those who lead peoples and churches to do God’s will, not to oppress those under their obedience.
Archangels have the mission to proclaim the secrets of the great men of God, to discover the heights of angels, prophecies and its people. St Gregory says dialogue about Archangels: “These are the holy faith among people who multiply their light shine before the Holy Gospel, revealing to them the secrets of the righteous faith.”
Last troop and closest to the people is fog Angels. These people preach the mysteries of God and His wills lowest even admonished them to live in love, good deeds and righteousness, fulfilling God’s will in all things. The angels are ordained to guard every believer, for the baptism, every Christian has a guardian angel. The good angels help them from falling, and raises up the fallen through repentance and confession and never lets us though sometimes wrong. Angels are always ready to help us only to will and to ask God’s help.
Archangels are the seven who stand before the throne of God’s glory, as he says himself, St. John the Evangelist: John to the seven churches which are in Asia … and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne (Revelation 1 4 ). And these are: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salatiil, Gudiil and Barachiel. Each archangel has some divine mission to fulfill.

Michael, what is of any private interpretation “power of God” is the first prince of the heavenly hosts and fog archangels. He wears flaming sword and have the job of keeping the law of God and the power to overcome enemies. When Lucifer was wrong in the sky and began to fall multitudes of angels, all the heavenly powers cloudy, Archangel Michael stood in the middle and cried: Let us attend! From then stopped the fall of the angels, for all taking heed his voice and evil angels mistake, fell before the glory of God, praising His name. All Michael was disputed with the devil in the Arabian desert the body of Moses, saying: the Lord argue yourself! (Jude 1: 9). He also accompanied the chosen people in the land of Egypt fădăduinţei. He brought ten penalties over the hardened Pharaoh’s people. He was shown guardian Navi armies of Jesus, which said unto the Lord, and I am now hosts Voievodul I came (Joshua 5, 14).
He died three young furnace of Babylon. He has preserved Daniel alive in the lions’ den. He brought fire and punishment over the sin cities, Sodom and Gomorrah. He gave Gideon victory in battle. He pulled out alive Lot in Sodom. He did many miracles, such as the Colossians, the miracle of Dochiarul Monastery (Holy Mountain), etc. And at the end of the world, all he and fog archangels blow the trumpet, will raise the dead and gather all languages to trial after testimony Apostle Paul who says: That the Lord himself fully command, with the voice of the Archangel and fully God’s trumpet, will descend from heaven (I Thessalonians 4, 16).
Gabriel, who is of any private interpretation “man-God” is the archangel of the good news of happiness, which has the mission to proclaim the secrets of the great men of God. He does not wear a sword of fire, but joy undefiled lily. He is very sweet spot and full of divine tenderness. For this and was chosen and sent by God to the Virgin of Nazareth to announce the great mystery of the incarnation of God. He brought news of her divine conception Virgin parents Joachim and Anna. He preached in the temple of the Holy Zechariah that his wife will give birth to old age on the St. John the Baptist. He carried the good news Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel.
Holy Archangel Gabriel led the prayer asking the Virgin Mary when going to the temple. He is often uncover show unutterable secrets. He brought food to the Most Holy angels. He first heard the mystery of Christ’s incarnation, earlier than all angels. He spoke at first the name of Jesus. He gave names of St. John the Baptist. He proclaimed to the shepherds in Bethlehem that the Messiah was born. He sang the first Glory to God in and on earth peace among men of good will! (Luke 2: 14). He taught pastors to sing. He found the Magi mystery of the Incarnation. Joseph quiet when he wanted to leave the Virgin Mary. He commanded him to flee to Egypt with the child and again to return to Nazareth.
Gabriel uphold the holy virgins, mothers cover, keep the babies, the hot lead prayers to God and bring fulfillment applications. He serves the great mysteries and helps multiplication and salvation of mankind.
Raphael, the third archangel is healing of human infirmities.
Uriel is the light of the dark.
Salatiil is appealingly hot for the race.
Glorifying Gudiil is of God and strengthener of those who need good deeds.
Barachiel last archangel, is the bringer of divine blessing on earth.
Of all the angels, the biggest benefactors of people showed Michaelmas, of which the cause is and mention the feast and hymns chosen, along with all angelic legions.