The Holy Archangels make up the eighth angelic flesh of the nine known and serve God incessantly, communicating to His people His will. Sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition testify to the continuing relationship of heavenly powers with men and reveal the name of seven Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Rafail, Uriil, Salatiil, Iegudiil, and Varahil, to which sometimes Jeremiil is added. On Nov. 8, when the Church celebrates “The Assembly of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel,” all the Archangels are honored, not just the most famous of them.
Saint Archangel Michael is especially honored as a defender of the right faith and a hedgehog. After falling into sin and banishing the first men from heaven, he was ordered to guard the gates of heaven. In Hebrew, “Mihail” means “Who is like God?” After the fall of Lucifer and the other angels (who became devils), the Archangel Michael cried with a loud voice: “Let’s be well, let’s be afraid, let’s remember!”, Stopping the fall of the angels. These words are spoken today in the Divine Liturgy. In iconography, since the early Christian centuries, Saint Archangel Michael is represented as a master carrying a lance in his right hand, with which he penetrates Satan, and in the left hand a green feathering. At the top of the lance there is an inlaid ribbon and the sign of the Holy Cross.
Saint Archangel Gavriil is especially honored as the interpreter of the will of God and the one who brings the good news to men. He declared to the Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the Son of God. In Hebrew, “Gavriil” means “God’s Man” or “The Power of God.” In iconography, Saint Archangel Gavriil is represented in the image of a young man holding a candle with a candle in his right hand, and in his left hand a green jasper stone mirror. The mirror conceals the hidden mystery of God’s wisdom. This form is widespread, as well as the one in which he holds in his hand a white lily of the lily, the symbol of the virgin cleansing.
Saint Archangel Rafail is especially honored as the healer of the sick, the mysterious guide of those traveling and protecting those married who live in fear of God. In Hebrew, “Rafail”, composed of the words “Rafa” and “He,” means “the Lord the Healer” or “God is the One Who Cures”. Archangel Rafail is recalled in the Old Testament “Book of Tobit,” where he is presented as a wise guardian and wise guide of Tobie’s law on his way to Raguel’s house to marry Sara. When he discovers himself to Tobie, this archangel says: “I am Rafail, one of the seven holy angels, who raises the prayers of the saints and exalts them before the glory of the Holy One” (Tobit 12:15). In iconography, St. Rafail is depicted holding Tobie by hand and guiding him along the way while he holds the fish caught in the Tiger River. Often, the archangel holds a medical alabaster or a censer in his hand as a sign of the healings given by God to the faithful.
Saint Archangel Uriil is the one who punishes, as the representative of the wrath of God. In Hebrew, “Uriil” means “God’s Fire” or “The Light of God.” In iconography, Archangel Uriil is represented holding a sword in the right hand against the Persians, and in the left hand a tongue of fire.
Saint Archangel Salatiil is the one who intercedes before God, praying humblely for men. He imagines the prayer of demand. In Hebrew, “Salatiil” means “the Mediator to God”. In iconography, the Archangel Salatiil is represented with a gentle face and a glance downward, and his hands gathered at the chest as a prayer.
Saint Archangel Iegudiil (Evgudiil) is the one who glorifies God, and those who give their life martyr for Him. Imagine prayer of glory. In Hebrew, “Iegudiil” means “the one who glorifies God.” In iconography, Archangel Iegudiil is represented holding a gold crown in his right hand to crown those who overcome the struggle with sin, and a whip with three tails in his left hand for the punishment of the rebellious.
Saint Archangel Varahiil is the one who brings to God the gifts and comforts of God. He imagines God’s generosity and mercy. In Hebrew, “Varahiil” means “the Blessing of God.” In iconography, Archangel Varahiil is represented by holding a white rose as a sign of the gift.
Saint Archangel Jeremiel is the one who illuminates the mind and infuses people with the knowledge and knowledge of God. In Hebrew, “Ieremiil” means “the Ascension of God.” This archangel is especially honored as the one who inspires thoughts and divine thoughts to lift man and bring him closer to God.