The report written by Pilate, governor of Judea by Tiberius, emperor of the Roman Empire, immediately after the Crucifixion

The Report of Pilate was found in one of the Vatican’s libraries by a German student who was in Rome for theological studies. But the student did not find it too important to emulate. But as it happened a few years former student to tell him of English, W. D. Nahan. The Englishman was extremely interested and convinced him interventions earnest young German theology professor reached the meantime, get in touch with the Vatican to him procure a copy. Nahan came into her possession it was translated into English, entrusting it to a newspaper widely circulated in England.

“To Caesar Tiberius, Noble Sovereign, welcome! Causes of the disorder in Jerusalem, they were about Jesus of Nazareth, and the events that occurred in my province a few days ago, were of such a nature that I makes I I report in detail, because I will not be at all surprised if the passage of time it will not change the whole fate of our nation, for it seems that in the last days, the gods have ceased to You could be served. I, for my part, I am ready to say: cursed be the day I followed Valerius Gratius governance of Judea. La my arrival in Jerusalem, I took charge of the courtroom and I have commanded great feast, to which I invited the Tetrarch of Galilee, along with the Bishop and all the organizers of him. At the scheduled time, none of the guest has not been shown. This was a personal insult to my honor! Later, after a few days, he came to my Bishop, to apologize. Clothing and demeanor were awfully cunning. He claimed that his religion restrains himself and his subjects to sit at the same table with the Romans and worship libation (collisions glasses) with them. I thought it was better to accept this excuse, but on that occasion all convinced me that the conquered is declared enemies of the conquerors, and it seemed to me that, of conquered cities, Jerusalem was the hardest was turbulent ruled. This people, that I always lived in fear of bursting at any moment a riot. I did not have to suppress them but only a handful of soldiers and one centurion.

I asked for reinforcements from the governor of Syria, but he informed me that he had scarcely enough troops to defend his province. A compulsion to conquer, that is our kingdom extends beyond our defenses, I’m afraid not to topple the noble cause our government. Among more news that came to me, one I particularly interested in: a young man – it was said – came into Galilee, preaching tone gentle and noble another law in the name of God who sent him. At first I was afraid that it might not be any agitator to stir up the people against the Romans, but not long after my fears were dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke more as a friend of the Romans than the jews. Passing one day in addition to the place that is called Siloan, I saw a large gathering of people, and in its midst a young man who was leaning against a tree and the serenity and calm the multitude. He was told that it was Jesus. It was just what I expected to see, so great was the difference between him and his listeners. Golden hair and beard, gave him a heavenly look. He appeared to be about the 30s. I never in my life seen a look so serene and sweet, a striking contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and dark faces. Unwanted to interrupt him by my presence, I continued to walk forward, but I waved my secretary to join the crowd and listen to you talk. My name is Manlius Secretary. He is the grandson of the head of espionage and conspiracy, which was hidden in Etruraia waiting on Catalina. Manlius is an old native of Judea, so he knows the Hebrew language. It is very dedicated and worthy of all trust.

When we arrived and entered the courtroom I found that I told Manlius heard the words of Jesus to Siloan. He told me: “I never read the books or in the works of philosophers, something that would resemble sermons of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, who are both in Jerusalem, asked if he is about to give tribute to Caesar, Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar what is owed to Caesar and to God what is due to God”. Just because of his wisdom, I allowed Nazarene freedom, because it was in my power to arrest him and send him to Praetorium, but it would have been against justice that characterized the Romans forever. This man was neither biased nor rebellious and I protected myself with my protection, perhaps unknown to. He was at liberty to act, speak and make meetings and sermons to the people and to choose disciples, untrammeled by any praetorian mandate. If you would happen, however, forbid us gods, this is just a guess, if it happens, I say that the religion of our ancestors to be replaced by the religion of Jesus, this thing would be due to this noble tolerance and too great indulgences that allow them Roma. While I, miserable wretch, I have been the instrument of what Christians call “providence” that upon us this fate and destiny.

But this unbounded freedom granted to Jesus, has provoked the Hebrew; but not the poor but the rich and powerful. Indeed, Jesus was severe with the latter (the rich) and this was for me a good reason for the Nazareth Man. The pharisees and liberty of the scribes said: “You are young viper, I will be like whitewashed tombs ” proud sometimes outraged by their fasting and devotion of the rich would say that “shit of a poor widow are valued God” than their rich gifts. Every day in the courtroom were complaints against abuses of wealthy Jews. I was informed that some misfortune will happen to this man; for there will be first, when Jerusalem to be stoned those who called themselves “prophets”. And if praetorian will reject the complaint, they will appeal to Caesar My conduct was approved by the Senate, and I was promised a reinforcement of soldiers after the war Parthian, because otherwise, I was not able to prevent a riot . I decided then to take a measure that promised more to establish peace in the city without subjecting the praetorium to humiliating concessions. I wrote of Jesus, inviting him to an interview with me in the courtroom, and he came. As you know, Noble Sovereign, blood flowing in my veins Iberian novel mixed with blood, which knows no fear and is not subject to emotions; I was walking through the yard my palate when Nazareth came and when I laid eyes from him, it seemed as if an iron hand I would have bound feet of earth and shaking, involuntarily, as a culprit, although Nazareth was calm and quiet as an innocent. When he came to me, stopped suddenly and as a sign, seemed to me saying, Behold, I have arrived! Sometime I stood transfixed and watched with admiration, respect and fear on the faces of man supernatural a form of man, unknown to the many painters and sculptors who have given form and figure to all sorts of gods and heroes.

“Jesus, I said finally faltered … and my tongue, Jesus of Nazareth, I ‘d I gave for three years, a greater freedom of speech and I do not feel bad. Your words are of a sage, a man of learning. I do not know whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but one thing I say to you in your sermons is a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above those philosophers above. The Emperor is informed of it, and I, his humble representative in this country, I am very happy that I allowed this freedom that you enjoy you so worthy. I still can not hide from you that your discourses have raised against you powerful and inveterate enemies. No it is not too hard: Socrates had his enemies, and fell victim to them. Yours are undoubtedly incensed against you because of the freedom that I give. I blame the union and be directly connected with you in order to strip the Hebrew low power what have the Romans. My request therefore – do not say my power – is for you to be the future careful and avoid to offend the pride of thine enemies, not to rebel population stupid in against you, and I compel me to employ the means justice … “. Nazareth answered quietly:” Prince of the earth, your words do not come out of true wisdom. Tell storm: stay in the middle of the mountain, or you will uproot the trees in the valley. The storm will answer: only God knows where it goes storm. Truly I say to you, before bloom roses of Sharon, the righteous blood will be shed … “he continues with emoţie.Eu I said:” You are most precious to me your wisdom than all they troubled and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom given them by Rome, plotting against Caesar and keep us in fear continues, these miserable restless. They know that the wolf in the forest sometimes get dressed in wool and sheepskins. I will defend to them. My palace is open to you to escape justice … “.

With carelessness, and shaking his head with a smile divine grace Jesus my riposte” When that day will come, will not escape the Son of man, neither under the earth . The abode of the righteous is there, ‘he said pointing to heaven, what is written in the prophets, should be fulfilled “” Young man, I replied in a voice soft, you make me like my simple requirement to qualify for exchange command. Safety My provinces, which is entrusted to my care requires it. You must show that you have more moderation in your discourses. Do not hurt others, I command it. Your happiness accompany you, go in peace. “” Prince of the earth, Jesus answered, I have come to bring world war but peace and love and good will. I was born the same day that Caesar gave peace to the Roman world. Persecution is not from me. I expect from others, and will meet it in obedience to the will of my Father who showed me the way. Therefore, restrict your least your worldly wisdom. It is not in your power to arrest the victim at the altar as serving “. After these words he disappeared like a bright cloud after praetorian curtains. Jesus’ enemies were finally addressed Herod to avenge the Nazarene. Herod had followed his own inclination, in this respect, he would have immediately ordered Jesus put to death; But it though proud of honoring him, he feared the Roman senate, not to commit any act which might have to destroy its influence over the Senate, so do not take any decision.

Herod called me in the courtroom. When amounted to leave, after some trifling, he asked me how I feel about Jesus of Nazareth. I I told him that I believe Jesus is a great philosopher, as some great nations often produce, and that its teachings, in no way, can not be seen as heretical or dangerous, and Rome is willing leave him freedom to speak and justified by the facts sale. Herod smiled wryly and saluting me with respect pretended to put away. Se approaching great feast of the Jews; religious leaders were planning to use the opportunity and popular excitement that always occurs at their feast. The city was packed by a population that wanted turbulent Nazarene death. I have my spies chief priests and Pharisees reported that the treasure temple to bribe the people to this end. The danger was growing by the hour. I wrote then the prefect of Syria to immediately send me a hundred infantry soldiers and as many cavalry, but he refused to send me. I then saw myself alone with a handful of soldiers; sentries old in the middle of a city rebelled, powerless to quell an uprising and being forced to tolerate. Revolutionaries seized Jesus, and although they felt that they have nothing to fear from the Praetorium, believing with me their leaders, in this respect, continued to shout, “Crucify him!”.

Three parties had united against Jesus Herodians, Sadducees and Pharisees; The Sadducees, whose conduct was supported by two reasons: they hated Jesus and wanted to escape from the Roman yoke. They could not never forget my entry in their holy city with banners that bore the image of the Roman emperor, although I on that occasion, I made a mistake in not knowing their laws. However, in their eyes, desecrating it does micşorat.O Another complaint was that they wore themselves was my proposal to use part of the Temple treasury to erect public buildings. Because this proposal, they were full of amărăciune. Pharisees were openly enemies of Jesus, and did not care too much for our government. They were forced to swallow for three and a half pills bitter that Nazarene throw them in front of their public, wherever he went, and being too weak and timid and lacking the courage to make their own measures intended, they were glad to unite with the Herodians and Sadducees. Besides those three games, they still had to fight against an entrenched population and ever ready to unite the uprising and to use the confusion and misunderstanding resulting that. In this way Jesus was dragged before the high priest and sentenced to death. On this occasion, the Archbishop House, committed humble act of submission; He sent his prisoner to me to pronounce the punishment on him. I replied that, as Jesus was a Galilean, business falls under the jurisdiction of Herod and ordered to send him. That wily tetrarch professed humility and, claiming to have respect for me, the robe of Caesar, thousand fate gave me this om. Suddenly my palace assumed the aspect of a besieged citadel. Every moment that passed, increased the number of disorders. Jerusalem was inundated with crowds from the mountains of Nazareth. It seems that Judea was at Jerusalem. Eu I had taken the woman (wife) a lady of Gali, who had some insights for the future.

Crying, she was thrown at my feet and told me: “Beware! Do not touch him, because he is holy! Last night I saw him in a dream. He went waters. He flew on the wind, and spoke of storms and sea fish and all were subject to his will. Even on Mount Kidron River flowed bloody. Statues of Caesar were full of dirt Calvary. Temples from inside the house were away and the sun was darkened as dressed in mourning. A! Pilate, waiting great evil if you will not listen to the advice of your wife. Roman Senate curses! Fear of the power of Heaven! “By this time the marble stairs, the crowd groaned under the weight of The Nazarene was brought back again to me. I proceeded to the courtroom, followed by my guard. In a harsh tone, I asked people, what does “death of the Nazarene” was the answer. “For what crime?” I asked. “He has blasphemed and prophesied tearing down the temple. He calls himself the Son of God, Messiah, King of the Jews “.I told them that Roman justice punishes such offenses with death.” Crucify him, crucify him! “Cry burst from the crowd but angry. The cries of the angry mob shook the palace foundation. In the midst of this vast multitude, he was only a quiet and calm man. THIS ERA OF JESUS NAZARETH. After more exertion without results, to escape the fury of those persecuting him bitter, I took a measure for the time I thought it would serve as to preserve life; I commanded him to be flogged; then asking the basin with water, I was washing hands before the multitude, showing thereby my disapproval for this. But in vain. These wretches were not satisfied only with his life.
In our frequent civil unrest, I was often witnessed peoples anger but from what I’ve seen, nothing can compare with this one. Really could say that on this occasion all the evil spirits in the land of inferno they gathered in Jerusalem. The crowd did not seem to walk on foot, but walking on top screaming like the waves of a raging sea. Much mischievous stretched from the gates of the magistrate to Mount Zion, with shouts, whistles, like none in history ever heard the Rome. The day was dark as twilight, also saw the death of Julius Caesar the Great, who was It did so in mid-March. I, Governor rebellious province, was leaning against a column of my palace, thinking of the terrible fact of these cruel people who dragged to execution the innocent Nazarinean.Toţi around me was. Jerusalem had taken out its inhabitants, who put on funeral parties leading to Gerona (Calvary). An air of desolation and sadness covered me. My guards had joined the knights, and the centurion to show a shadow of strength, were struggling to make ordine.Eram left alone and heartbroken, and I thought what happened when he stayed longer in the power of the gods than in power of man. Suddenly there was a great cry that from Golgotha, which seemed borne on the winds and announce an agony human ear, never ever heard. Large clouds, dark blacks were lowered over the pinnacle of the temple, and sat down on the city, covered him like a wave, a strong earthquake shook everything. So frightening were the signs that were seen both in heaven and on earth that is said Dionysius of Aeropag would have exclaimed, “or that by nature suffer, or that the universe ends.” to watch the first of the night, I took my jacket off me and went on below the town, to the gates of Golgotha. The sacrifice was consumed!
The crowd returned to the city, but really all shaken, but their faces gloomy and dark and dreary and desperate.
Many were gripped by fear and remorse for what they had seen. I also saw small band of soldiers, going grieve and flag bearers, wrapped its head in sorrow.
I heard a soldier muttering in foreign words, which I do not understand them. Here and there were seen groups of people and women gathered and when he glanced toward Calvary remained motionless as pending any other wonders of nature.
I turned into the common hall full of thoughts saddened and worried me. Climbing me on stage, you could see drops of blood leak from Nazarinean. After a time came to me an old man, with a group of women crying, who remained at the gate, and he was thrown at my feet crying bitterly. I asked him what he wanted and he told me: “I am Joseph of Arimathea, and I come to ask you for permission to bury Jesus of Nazareth.”
I said: “Your requirement will be fulfilled.”
Then, following the report that Jesus is dead, I commanded Manlius to take with them and supervise soldiers funeral, not to be hindered.
A few days later, the tomb was found empty. His disciples preached throughout the province, that Jesus rose from the dead was as he predicted. Remained only this debt, to make known to the king this incident disgusting and unusual. Even that night that followed the disaster suddenly I started doing this report by day, there was a sound of Calvary, singing area Diana, who came to my ears! Throwing my gaze toward the gate Caesar, I saw approaching -it a band of soldiers and heard the sound of the trumpet sing Caesar’s march. I had promised that reinforcements were two thousand soldiers elect, and to hasten their arrival, they traveled all night. A been decided by fate! I cried bitterly and rubbing my palms as great wickedness to be satisfied, and that for the purpose of preventing revolt yesterday, troops of soldiers to arrive today !!! Cruel fate, as fate mortals kidding! It was too true that cried from the cross Nazarene “was finished.”

This is the contents of the report and remain subject to Your Majesty, with respect and humility.

Governor Pontius Pilate,

Made in Jerusalem XXVIII day of March, year 4147 from creation. “