
Beloved faithful, We look forward to praying together in our church to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul on Sunday, June 28, 2020, at 12 pm. Please read and follow our church’s rules for participating in holy services. Download – Rules for attending church services Participation in the services, up to 80 people, is possible …

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Jacob’s fountain is the only place of Christian-Orthodox pilgrimage in Samaria. The fountain has a depth of 35 meters. A Greek monk who oversees her offers thirsty pilgrims in her fresh and cold water. The fountain was dug by Jacob on the land bought from Hemor (Emmor) Hevele (Genesis 33:18). Nomads used to have their …

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Iubiți credincioși, Fiecare, în siguranța casei sale, dar alăturați prin rugăciune, Îl vom petrece pe Mântuitorul Hristos către patima Sa cea curățitoare și către Învierea din morți dătătoare de speranță și lumină. Ne rugăm cu toții întru pocăință, joi, 16 aprilie, de la ora 7 pm, la Denia celor 12 Evanghelii și vineri, 17 aprilie, …

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Clarification of Our Sharing of the “Statement of the Executive Committee of the ACOB-USA Concerning Holy Week & Pascha” April 10, 2020 To the Clergy and Faithful of the Romanian Episcopate of the Orthodox Church in America:  Our Chancery, for general information, shared the statement via email on April 4, made by the Assembly of …

Continue reading Statement of Archbishop Nathaniel on the participation at the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops