Testimonials, throughout

On January 30 the Orthodox Church commemorates the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian (Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom, who shepherded the fourth century, considered “the golden age” of Christian theology. Beyond their memory individual (January 1, January 25, respectively on November 13), these saints have received a day of celebration shared after some …

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Părintele Teofil Părăian (1929-2009), duhovnic iubit al Mănăstirii Brâncoveanu (Sâmbăta de Sus) din ținutul mirific al Făgărașului, a fost numit „omul bucuriei” și „duhovnicul tinerilor”. Nevăzător cu ochii, avea darul vederii în duh, sfătuind și odihnind pe cei iubitori să afle și să urmeze un sens înalt în viața lor duhovnicească. Iubitor și cunoscător al …

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În anul 518 urca pe tronul Imperiului Bizantin Iustin I. Acesta fusese un simplu ţăran – după unii istorici avea origini daco-romane – însă, datorită fizicului său excepţional, reuşise să intre de tânăr în garda palatului imperial. Moartea împăratului Anastasie I (491-518) îl găseşte pe Iustin în funcţia de comandant al gărzii imperiale. Întrucât Anastasie …

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Jacob’s fountain is the only place of Christian-Orthodox pilgrimage in Samaria. The fountain has a depth of 35 meters. A Greek monk who oversees her offers thirsty pilgrims in her fresh and cold water. The fountain was dug by Jacob on the land bought from Hemor (Emmor) Hevele (Genesis 33:18). Nomads used to have their …

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Why is commemorated Saint Mary of Egypt in Lent? Saint Mary of Egypt is commemorated during Lent for a few reasons. First, it is par excellence an example of Christian repentance, for left dissolute life he was living, living a life of asceticism extreme desert and prayer, for love of Christ. Lent is also a …

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Saint Patrick, the Enlightener of Ireland was born around 385, the son of Calpurnius, a Roman decurion (an official responsible for collecting taxes). He lived in the village of Bannavem Taberniae, which may have been located at the mouth of the Severn River in Wales. The district was raided by pirates when Patrick was sixteen, …

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St. Stephen Church in Jerusalem is a Greek Orthodox Church immediately outside the ancient city walls, between Lions Gate and Temple Mount. Coming out of Jerusalem through “Lions Gate” and descending in Cedar Valley, immediately on the right, is the church dedicated to St. Stephen the Archdeacon and First Martyr. According to local tradition, this …

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