
Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, “the Church’s far-gleaming beacon,” lived during the ninth century, and came from a family of zealous Christians. His father Sergius died as a martyr in defense of holy icons. St Photius received an excellent education and, since his family was related to the imperial house, he occupied the position of …

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The purpose of the Assembly is to determine by vote the composition of the new Parish Council and to hear the administrative and financial reports. It will be to our members to analyze the situation of the church and to discuss current and future projects. There will also be presented activity reports by the church …

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Umblatul cu icoana pentru a vesti Nașterea Domnului este o rânduială foarte veche, urmele ei pierzându-se în anii de început ai erei creștine. Astfel, această tradiție ne apare încă din primele secole ale creștinismului, încă de pe când sărbătoarea Nașterii Domnului și cea a Bobotezei se sărbătoreau împreună, în ziua de 6 Ianuarie. Sărbătoarea Epifaniei …

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Saint Stylianus was born in Paphlagonia of Asia Minor sometime between the fourth and sixth centuries. He inherited a great fortune from his parents when they died, but he did not keep it. He gave it away to the poor according to their need, desiring to help those who were less fortunate. Stylianus left the …

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Biserica Sfântul Ioan Evanghelistul vă invită să participați la sărbătorirea Sfântului Spiridon, Episcopul Trimidundei. Vecernia se va săvârși vineri, 11 decembrie 2015, de la ora 7 pm, iar Sfânta Liturghie sâmbătă, 12 decembrie, de la ora 10 am. Urmând pildei de comuniune pe care sfântul a arătat-o la primul Sinod Ecumenic, așteptăm la sfintele slujbe …

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On Saturday November 7th, at 7pm, at St. John The Evangelist Romanian Orthodox Church (100 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto), The Byzantine Music Choir from Toronto invites you to its first Religious Music Concert, containing creations from the Orthodox Church belonging to the XIX and XX century. Entry is free but donations are welcome.

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The town of Curtea de Arges lies 38 km northwest of Pitesti, at the foot of the Fagaras mountains, in the Arges river valley. Written documents give evidence of the fortified town of Arges since 1330, whereas during the Middle Ages, it was the second capital of Wallachia after Câmpulung and before Târgoviste. The Court …

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Discuţia noastră despre alegerea căii în viaţă trebuie să înceapă de la definirea cuvintelor „voinţă” şi „libertate”, de vreme ce toţi voim să fim liberi fără a greşi în libertatea noastră. Oamenii spun foarte uşor: „eu vreau” – fără să realizeze războiul care există între voinţă şi dorinţe. A voi şi a dori sînt lucruri …

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