Love humility, as it will cover all your sins.

The more someone has a more measured life, the happier he is, not much to worry about: servants, workers, land and the wealth of cattle. For by aiming at these we will drown ourselves in the burdens connected with them and blame God. Here is how our lust for death adapts and how we wander in the darkness of a life with sin, not knowing ourselves.

Evil clings to wires like copper rust and body impurity. But neither the one who processes the brass did the rust, nor the parents the impurity of the body. Neither did God do evil, but He gave man the knowledge and the power to distinguish, to flee from evil, as one who knows he will be harmed and tormented. Realize, then, that by not seeing someone proclaiming in power and wealth, you will be happy, leaving the devil deceived. But bring death before your eyes, and you will never covet any evil or worldly thing.

Not what is done according to the threads is sin, but the bad things after the choice of will. It is not a sin to eat, but to eat with discontent, without suitability and without restraint. Because you owe it to yourself to keep your body alive, but with no ill thoughts. It is not a sin to look clean, but to look with pity, pride and lust. It is a pity, however, not to listen quietly, but in anger. It is not a sin to not obstruct the tongue with thanksgiving and prayer, but it is a sin to speak evil. It is a pity not to work the hands of mercy, but to kill and kidnap. And so every one of our members is sinning, when the good works, instead of the good ones, against the will of God.

The wise must remember continually that by enduring small and short troubles in life, after death they will enjoy the greatest pleasure and eternal happiness. Therefore, he who struggles with the passions and wants to be crowned by God, if he will not fall with the soul and remain in fall, hopeless. But rising, again to fight and strive to be crowned, rising from the fall, to the last breath. For the boredom of the body is a weapon of the virtues and they are saving the soul.
People consider themselves rational. But unfairly, because they are not rational. Some have learned the words and books of the ancient sages. But the rational ones are only those who have the rational soul, they can distinguish what is good and what is evil, they keep away from the evil and injurious to the soul and all the care they have for the good and useful of the soul; and these do them great thanks to God. Only these must be called rational people.
Those who know God are full of good will and, desiring the heavenly ones, despise the earthly ones. Some like them do not like many, but they do not like much either. That is why they are not only ugly, but also laughing at many lies. They, however, endure all in poverty, knowing that what seems to many evil to them is good. For he who understands the heavenly believes in God, knowing that all are the works of his will. But he who does not understand them never believes that the world is the building of God and that it was made for man’s salvation.