Some monk was in the sheath and was under a parent for a few years. This, from the end of the devil’s enemy, coming out of obedience to the old man, left without any reason from his guide, trailing his covenant; because he was under the bond of obedience, without the consent of denying it. So, coming down to Alexandria, he was captured as a ruler by his master, and being stripped of his monastic order, he was forced to sacrifice idols. In no way wanting to obey, first he was beaten mercilessly by ox veins, and then he was ordered to cut off his head, throwing his body to the dogs out of the city. Some Christ-loving Christians took it by night and wrapped it with scrubs and shroud, put it in a coffin, and set it as a martyr in the altar of the church. At the words of the holy cleric: “How many are called out, those called out”, they all saw that the coffin was coming out alone by the hand of man, and stood in the tent of the church, standing there until the apostle of the Holy Liturgy . Then he entered the Holy Altar again and sat alone in the place where he had been laid.
This has happened many times to the wonders of those who see it. O
ne of the great God-bearing parents who lived then learned of this and prayed to God to reveal this mystery. He was quick to let go, for the angel of the Lord came and said to him, “What do you wonder about this? Did not the Apostles of Christ, as you know, have the power to bind and untie, and from these and their disciples? The brother who sheds his blood for Christ does not have the right to stand beside the Holy Table when the Holy Sacrifice is brought, but moves to the church, because it has fallen from the obedience of a hermit with whom he has lived as an apprentice, being tied to him. When he was alienated from there, he remained bound to his father, and as a martyr he took the crown, but the bond is not forgiven, and he does not get the indulgence to sit in when the Divine Liturgy is done, until he bound “. When he heard that, the old man, taking his rod, he went to his parent, and, telling all his history, went down with him to Alexandria. Going to the church where the martyr’s relics were, opening the little coffin, they both gave him forgiveness and, kissing him, they sat at the Divine Liturgy and the martyr remained in the Holy Altar from then until today.

The works of a monk and martyr – Mineon on October, Day 15