Today, February 4, 2025, in the Romanian Orthodox Church, an important event in the life of the Patriarchate, in the life of the Church and in the life of Christians is taking place: the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the decision of the Holy Synod to raise the Romanian Orthodox Church to the rank of Patriarchate. This anniversary, which was attended by all the hierarchs of the Church, including those who do missionary work outside Romania, was enriched by the historic decision to validate the holiness of some Holy Saints, Priests, Confessors, Martyrs, by the act issued by the Romanian Orthodox Synod. An act of gratitude, esteem, validation and canonization, an event long awaited by the people of the faithful, of the sixteen saints listed below:
– Saint Confessor Sofian of Antim (September 16);
– Saint Confessor Priest Dumitru Stăniloae (October 4);
– Saint Priest Martyr Constantin Sârbu (October 23);
– Saint Confessor Arsenie of Prislop (November 28);
– Holy Priest Confessor Ilie Lăcătușu (July 22);
– Saint Paisie of Sihăstria (December 2);
– Saint Cleopa of Sihăstria (December 2);
– Saint Dometie the Merciful of Râmeț (July 6);
– Saint Seraphim the Patient of Sâmbăta de Sus (December 20);
– Saint Liviu Galaction of Cluj (March 8);
– Saint Gherasim of Tismana (December 26);
– Saint Visarion of Lainici (November 10);
– St. Calistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova (May 10);
– St. Ilarion Felea (September 18);
– St. Iraclie of Basarabia (August 3);
– St. Alexandru of Basarabia (August 8).
Glory to You, O God, Glory to You!
In the Orthodox Church, the attainment of holiness occupies an important place in the spiritual icononomy on the way to salvation. Moreover, all Orthodox Christians are called to holiness, but as the Gospel of Christ says: “many called, few chosen…”. In other words, holiness is, first of all, a struggle with oneself, that inner warfare that must be waged by the one who desires holiness. One of the Conf confessors said that the Christian who conquers himself kills sin forever and becomes master over his passions. So holiness can be a continuous struggle on the path to spiritual perfection.
Another Confessor emphasized a great deal of compassion on this path of acquiring the Holy Spirit and attaining spiritual perfection. Compassion can be an important path to enlightenment and holiness.
Another Confessor emphasized the present moment: “every moment can be a moment and every sigh can be a prayer”. You have lost that moment, you have lost repentance, you have lost repentance, you have lost enlightenment and holiness.
Another Confessor emphasized love. “God is love,” the evangelist John tells us. And, indeed, love is the greatest power in the universe; why wouldn’t we use it in this initiatory process of attaining holiness.
Another Conf confessor claimed that suffering is a path to enlightenment and holiness. All the more so since suffering burns several steps towards spiritual fulfillment and salvation of the soul.
Thanks be to God for the marvelous glorification of His saints!
The Romanian spiritual saints and confessors of the 20th century suffered in prisons, torments and deportations, but they did not weaken their right faith, confessing at the cost of their lives and living a life of persecution for the name of Christ, they were living torches and lighted candles instilling love, sowing faith and inspiring patience in their fellow men, they are models to follow even today on the path of holiness and spiritual perfection.
Their canonization is the confirmation of the crown these saints enjoy in the glory of the Holy Trinity and urges us to follow their lives. Reading their lives will enlighten our questions and enlighten our minds. By praying to them we will find intercession with God. Today, the sixteen new saints of the Orthodox Christian calendar ask us to talk to them, to call them in trouble and to follow them in their spiritual ascent.
Let us pray for and keep holy in our hearts all the martyrs, confessors, martyrs and heroes of the Romanian nation who have suffered in communist prisons, camps and deportations!
Let us keep alive the memory of the sixteen saints and let us pray that the Lord Jesus Christ may glorify them together with all His saints, and that He may help us, the Orthodox Orthodox believers, on the path to the salvation of our souls! Amen.