We believe that the most exciting moment of the event that we celebrate today is, as described by the evangelist Luke, the old man Simeon, bound not die until you see the Savior of the world, taking in her arms the child Jesus uttered that prayer liberating so beautiful, “Now lettest thy servant, O Lord …”.
Tradition tells us that the old man had then about 380 years! But on this particular bit later we will return.

Liturgical and theological significance of the feast

Christians having babies, I know at forty days after the birth went to Church to be done “molitva”, ie prayers cleaning. Slavic word “Molitva”, it actually means “prayer …”. This order, in accordance with the laws of nature admirably planted by God in the woman’s body is based on an old commandment given by Moses, now more than 3500 years.
For today’s feast, Candlemas, recalls the day the Baby Jesus was taken by Mary, his mother, the temple to observe the Old Law, as recorded by Moses in the book of Leviticus (12: 1-8 ), as described and evangelist Luke, the gospel was read today in the Mass: “and when they came for cleaning them according to the law of Moses, they brought him the babe to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord as it is written in His law … “(Luke 2: 22-23).
So when we celebrated the days of her purification, ie 40 days, when – according to physiological laws – the woman’s body is recovered after birth effort altar. This ordinance, with the necessary adjustments, was sent in the new law, entitled liturgical recorded in euchologion.
Prayer is read after forty days postpartum women, deep prayer ministry gracious, touching also the great beauty of literary and liturgical. We give a glimpse: “… God … come to this thy handmaid (by speaking the name of who gave birth) and an unworthy on it for prayers Precious priesthood, to take shelter in the holy catholic church and enter your home of Your glory. And unworthy to share with honorable body and precious Blood of Thy Christ. Wash and defilement of body and soul uncleanness, in the fullness of forty days … “. After this molitfă woman who has given birth may then enter into church can kiss the icons, can participate in the Mass and other services can be received in the sacrament of confession, however, if it receives absolution from the confessor may receive Holy Communion.
Here, dear faithful, that beautiful order! What has the Church touching care and love for women who give birth! Not all countries nor all the families, all the males often do not grant protection, care, love, those who bring babies into the world. The church, however, gives all housing, as we heard in the prayer of which I quoted above. And the foundation of this ordinance is law of the Lord given by God through Moses, full then act committed in the Temple, we now liturgical act called Candlemas.

The tradition of Elder Simeon

Today’s feast back into the atmosphere, especially when moving the old man Simeon L received the Divine Child in her arms, saying “Now exempted …”. An old legend in which we believe there is a kernel of truth tells us that the old man Simeon was one of the 72 Hebrew scholars who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek in Alexandria, about the year 250 BC. Hr. The legend was born perhaps of the oldest document relating to this painstaking translation, namely the Epistle of Pseudo-Aristea, prefect of the royal guard of King Ptolemy Philadelphus of Egypt (284-247 BC).
According to this document, King Ptolemy sends Aristea high priest in Jerusalem to request a copy of the Old Testament law and 72 men (one from each tribe 6). King receives them with great pomp and puts them in a building on the island of Faros in separate rooms in order to translate the Greek text holy to Jews in the Diaspora who did not know Hebrew well.
The old Simeon was one of the 72 that when the book of the prophet Isaiah came to head. 7, v. 14, “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a child and shall call his name Immanuel”, translated “Behold, the young woman” instead of “Behold, a virgin”. Legend has it that on the day the word was deleted, and in his place appeared “virgin”. A thought for the moment that any of the other translators walked to the text, but inquiring learned that I walked none. He put back the word “young”, feeling them is unnatural for a virgin to give birth. At night I was shown, however, an angel who said that “virgin” is the correct word, and that did believed in the truth revealed by God through the prophet Isaiah, the angel also told that he would not see death until you see the Lord’s Christ.

Simeon’s encounter with Christ

Even if historical documents are mixed in any way with the legendary stories, remember what is essential, namely what actually Evangelist Luke records: “He was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And he shall be proclaimed that he would not see death until you see the Lord’s Christ … “(Luke 2: 25-26).
How old was who and how he has spoken of secondary importance. Importance of the sanctity of life has for us and the confidence with which expect a Deliverer. Therefore impresses us to tears of joy when the expectation was fulfilled, feeling liberated to die as any native.

Receiving Christ

We all realize that the event does not reduce the Meeting of the Lord “where” Old Simeon. I wanted, however, for this year to spend more on him, he is revealing, but should not be seen in isolation. Pending the old man is not his alone. Welcoming was made not only personally. The whole world was waiting for the Messiah, and by the old man Simeon whole world welcomed him. So we, all of us.
As a young child, Jesus was brought to the temple to be welcomed. As Savior, now present in the Holy Church calls us to come unto us to welcome him, as I did today. Therefore, every Mass facing him and marveling at us from meeting mystery of salvation, feeling as if, finally, the impulse to speak together, priests and faithful: “Now lettest thy servant, O Lord, according to Your word alone that my eyes have seen thy salvation brought by the sacrifice, which is renewed every Mass, and was renewed today … “. Amen.

Rev. Fr. Vasile Gordon