On January 6th we celebrate the Epiphany, popularly known as the Lord’s Baptism. Saviour’s baptism in the Jordan is also known as “epiphany” or “Theophany”, a term derived from Greek and means “creature”, “breakthrough”. Why creature or discovery? Because when Christ was baptized, the heavens were opened, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and stood over him and the Father testified, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased! ” (Matthew 3: 17). In this regard, Saint John Chrysostom says: “Christ did not come all known since she was born, but when was baptized.”

Feast of Epiphany is mentioned in II th century, the St. Clement of Alexandria. We mention that in the first centuries, the Epiphany was celebrated together cuNasterea Lord on January 6. Starting from the IV century, the two holidays were separated: December 25 is the date set for the celebration of the Nativity and Theophany on January 6.

Christ is revealed to the world

Outside of the spoken by Jesus at age 12 in Temple, Christ did not commit any miracles and did not utter a word of evangelists arrested. Since his baptism, Christ emerges from the shadows and began to preach. He was baptized at 30 years, adulthood in Hebrew.

Jesus came to John and asked him to baptize him, not because he needed the cleansing from sin, for he was God-Man, but to sanctify creation. As the Savior did not come to receive forgiveness of sins from John apparent from the fact that John’s baptism help man to realize sinful, but offered no forgiveness. Therefore it and says it was “the remission of sins” (Luke 3: 3), which he could bring Christ.

He received baptism from John to return the Holy Spirit in creation. Through the Fall, man had lost the Holy Spirit, as St. Cyril of Alexandria tells us. Baptism is the moment reopening Saviour grace springs, which were latched to humans and all creation. In the words of the prayer read at Epiphany: “Today the nature of water is consecrated …” not to understand that God’s grace descends during the consecration of the water over all the water that exists in various places, but over water ready the time for this.

Basis for Holy Sacrament of Christian Baptism

Agreeing to sink in Jordan, Christ buried the old Adam started out building a new man. Jordan to receive God-Man who had to clean up, but were themselves purified. Christ was cleansed by dipping in Jordan, pitched the creation and fall of man removed the power of Satan. Thus, the moment when He left baptized by John, fountains grace went down over creation.

In the prayer of consecration in Baptism water is required to clean the water coming of the Spirit of the work of demonic powers, for it to become the full descent of the Spirit, place of birth of the new man in Christ.

The rite of Christian baptism repeat these moments that signify passage from one stage to another existential: it opens denying meant to banish Satan’s power and ends with receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Blessing of Water

On the eve and the day of Epiphany in all Orthodox churches with the power of the Holy Spirit, the bishops and priests sanctify prayers great holy water.

Orthodox Christians can take on great holy water during fasting from January 5 to January 14 and confessor recommendation. The great holy water is used in Epiphany Eve at the dedication of believers’ homes and their inhabitants. All her sprayed and things to be blessed or holy, like: Blessing caul, the dedication of the cross and crucifixes, bell, vessels and liturgical vestments, the dedication icons, churches, antimiselor and Holy Great Mir.