Noble branch

Martyr Constantine was born in 1654 in the old manorial nation of Brâncoveni of Oltenia. His grandfather, great magistrate Preda Brancoveanu, he built the famous monasteries as One Wood Monastery, built in 1634-1635 by him to the ground, Brancoveanu Monastery, settlement of the sixteenth century, painted and endowed in 1633 teach with his uncle, Prince Matei Basarab and Monastery Gura-Motrului in 1653, which will depict in 1705 his nephew, St. Constantine.
Child Constantin, left fatherless at the age of one year, was raised in orthodox ancestors law and according to his worthiness Boyar, mother, Stanca, the powerful and glorious nation of Cantacuzinos descended from emperors of Byzantium.

In his grandfather’s library, Adviser Constantin Cantacuzino and his uncle, Constantin Cantacuzino, Constantin young man found a rare treasure of knowledge then throughout Eastern Europe. It contained many writings of the Fathers, ancient philosophy books and scientific papers. Books of philosophy he learned human wisdom, taking it as a model the great philosopher Plato and spiritual books, he learned the power of sacrifice and heavenly wisdom emulating the lives of the saints and martyrs of the Church.

Constantin was strengthened in the way young Orthodox monasteries and research and weather stations to patrons. Attend divine services and advice required skilled confessors.

Aghas great, great Chamberlain and high backrest

The young Constantine had a good training officer and soldier. He was on the second row Chamberlain (Chamberlain Vtor) Vtor in 1674 and chancellor in 1678. In 1679, after coming to the throne of his uncle, Serban, was built in high gear aghas therefore and liable army commander guarding the capital city. He was then appointed steward chair, high Chamberlain and, in 1682, high backrest.

Prince of the Romanian Country

In 1688, since he died Serban the Ruler, was elected ruler of Romanian. Noblemen gathered all was there and Patriarch of Constantinople, Archbishop Dionysius and Theodosius, Metropolitan of Romanian; and chose the scribe Constantin. And as soon as he arrived there, all said “scribes, we all please be our lord”. And he said: “But why would I want reign since as a gentleman are at my house? I have needful. ” But they said: “We pray, do not let other people to enter the country, or wicked or insane to ruin.” And it took their hands to church, i have read the exorcism, and they went and kissed all hands, saying he “Many Years!” And nobles swore before the icon that will be right and they will support the ruler. This is appointed rulers of the country in the best days of the true faith.

St. Romanian Constantin took the helm in times of great hardship for Eastern Europe. Turkish kingdom come a long struggle for survival. Papists leaders of Venice, Austria and Poland concluded in 1684 an alliance called “Holy League” which, under the pretext of crushing the Turkish power, trying to bring Christians enslaved by the Turks in their hearing. Austria wanted to invade all three Romanian principalities. Poland would be satisfied only with Moldova and the Romanian Country. A ray of hope seemed to come only from Russia, Orthodox and powerful country.

When St. Constantine came to the Lord, a Romanian deputation, headed by the Aga Bălăceanu Constantin was already sent to Vienna by former ruler Serban, to ask the Romanian Land receipt of “Holy League”. This alliance is dangerous, Trustworthy ruler Constantin Brancoveanu and sent Balaceanu command to stop bargaining with the Habsburgs, “to live in the country and leaving those who think”.

Aga Bălăceanu, wanting to take the place of the ruler, disobeyed the command, but joined the army Austrian sent in Country Romanian against St. Constantine and Turks, but struggle in Zarnesti, the Austrians were defeated, aga Bălăceanu and found death and St. Constantine returned safely to Bucharest.

Perfect knowledge of the political and military situation in this part of the world, ruler Constantin understood that the country must be protected from war with any of the neighboring kingdoms, but must be protected and an alliance with any of them. An alliance would have led to the country’s occupation by foreign armies, robberies and murders, as well as foreign interference in the affairs of our people. This meditation was enlightened by God Trustworthy prince Constantine.

And the land occupied by the Germans, Mr going to Buzau to ward attended the Epiphany with Holy Job nobles and the people. And wholeheartedly all prayed to God gracious to the poor country. And the Lord doeth the will of those who fear Him, and wait patiently for Him to him that mercy will surround (Psalm 31.11). That the Germans were scared of the crowd Tatars who came upon them, and they were forced to go to Transylvania. Tatars and were persuaded to leave the country with many gifts. So God saved our nation and plague and leprosy.

Though small, the country’s army was well prepared because the prince was great expense required to purchase weapons and pay soldiers. Ruler regiments and set us the treadle (foot soldiers), frontier guards (on the plains) and cavalry (cavalry). Cerneţi was established at a border captaincy. Romanian military ships floating on the Danube. Prince was well aware that the weakening of the army allowed the country to be wolves.

The 26 years that St. Constantine ruled Romanian Country were counted chroniclers weather as the years when it turned Litany Liturgy: “For the abundant fruits of the earth and the seasons peaceful Lord to pray!” That blesses God who him bless him and for the right faith and piety ruler pours God’s mercy on those who elected them and the nation. Xenopol characterizes as “the most fully acrobat politically stood ever at the head of nations” [1] and “This simple fact – that reigned for over 25 years, shows that it must have been a fire man special … If we think of the bad times when he reigned, when Gate wear two great wars had to bring on Mr. Romanian biggest hardships (…) shall his mind Brancoveanu have been a cleverly completely out of the way, for him to stay all this time to watch the Wallachian throne. “

Founder of holy places

 Knowing the Divine Liturgy that the Lord blesses those who love the glory of His house, St. Constantin Brancoveanu was one of the great founders of the Romanian country, not only through the divine abodes raised or rebuild it, and the beauty of the painting, icons and liturgical vessels donated. In his day was leavened “brancoveanu style” the last great chapter of Romanian ancient art and one of the brightest of Christian art after the fall of the Byzantine emperors. Historians record 19 churches of St. Constantine built from scratch or rebuilt, repaired and beautified by him throughout the Romanian Land. In 1683 Bistrita Monastery Church repairs and Saint Demetrios Church in Potlogi. 1688 builds St. George Church in Mogosoaia. In 1706 renewed abode Arnota Monastery, founded by Matei Basarab Voda.

Saint Constantine painted the church of the Monastery of Holy Archangels Târgşor built by Antonie the Ruler, his grandfather Mrs. Maria and rebuilt monastery church Mamun, adorning it with paint Parvu Mutu skillful craftsman. Trustworthy prince renewed Snagov Monastery, Royal Church of Saint Paraskevi Ramnicu Sarat, Dealu Monastery, Royal Church of Targoviste.

Hurezi was consecrated in 1694. Also in 1694 they were finished and cells Saint George Monastery in Bucharest monastery dedicated to Jerusalem. In 1698 the church was built in Fagaras. Between 1698-1703 Polovragi monastery church was rebuilt, and between 1701-1702 was renewed monastery Govora.

Orthodox supporter of print books

Saint Constantine and joints cared spiritual, cultural and educational foundations of princely sale. Prints of metropolitans, bishops and drew large monasteries useful books in Romanian soul, but also in other languages Turkish Christians subjected to tyranny. During the ruled as he worked in printing new Romanian Country, which put 84 books on Romanian, Greek, Slavic and Arabic. These books were Romanian interpretations of Scripture, liturgical books (Missal, Molitvelnicul, Horologion, Octoihul, Triod, Pentecostarion) Părinţi.Cărţile Saints writings were given by the Lord, not sold. He thought it a duty to build the spiritual christian state.

Being very fond of teaching, based Brancoveanu ‘academies and schools in several languages “[2]. In 1688 the Romanian Country there was only elementary education. Brancoveanu lay the foundations of Romanian higher education, and organizes cells of the St. Sava “Royal Academy”, which is taught by teachers worldwide: logic, history, physics, metaphysics, mathematics, rhetoric, poetics, astronomy, psychology, Greek and Latin, French and Italian. Together with the Holy Metropolitan Anthimos of Iberia first edition prints full of the Holy Scriptures in Romanian: Serban Cantacuzino’s Bible (1688). Fighting Catholic propaganda, asks Jeremiah Cacavela to translate from Latin History of the Popes (of platinum) and later added the translator comments in that fight and defend Orthodoxy Catholic dogma. Manual printed in 1690 against schism papists “manual distributed free. Besides Romanian coat of arms is written, “located between moon and sun on radiant branches of Orthodoxy, echoes Papism with stick and sword” [3]. Print many other books of confession Orthodox and Catholic and Calvinist combat heresies.

Saint Constantine helped the rich donations, printed in Venice in 1712, the Grand Dictionary or Thesaurus entire Greek languages in a new edition, taken care by Gheorghe of Trebizond, a professor at the Royal Academy in Bucharest. It was then the largest dictionary of Hellenic language.

Opponent of unification

Assembly papists, breaking with the true Church of Christ in 1054, lost the grace of the Most Holy Spirit and proved both by the multitude of heresies fell, and the terrible crimes of the Inquisition, the Crusades and Uniatism.

Seeing that the Orthodox are steadfast in faith, Pope conspired cunning Uniatism, which promised the Orthodox priests improving the material by joining the hybrid “Uniate”. Greek Catholics they could keep the external forms of worship, but were obliged to mention heresiarchs and to recognize the pope as patriarch of Rome and the highest patriarch of the Church.

From historical documents we know very well the intentions crafty papists. Bishop Athanasius Anghel forget promises made in Bucharest in front of Metropolitan Theodosius and Dositei Patriarch of Jerusalem to keep the true faith and the union signed with the Papists. When they learn that he was “reordained” papist bishop in Vienna and has sworn to break with the Romanian Country, on 25 February 1701 shall terminate any relationship with Athanasius Church. Dositei Patriarch of Jerusalem and throws anathema upon him.

The former protesting against Unia were Romanians in Schei Brasov Dositei Patriarch advised to beware of having links with Athanasius.

Braşov were presented at Alba Iulia joined protesting against the installation of a bishop in the historic cathedral of the Orthodox Romanians in Transylvania. From the cathedral, the suite was headed metropolitan residence (city monastery) where the delegation repeated the protest but was driven out by force.

Romanian news of the union of Transylvania with the congregation papists Braşov and steadfastness in faith ancestral causes the ruler Constantin Brancoveanu to refer them to the July 5, 1701 A letter promises help by writing and deed. Voivod comes to King Leopold Orthodox Romanians not to force the union. Following this intervention, Leopold guarantees freedom religioasă.Neoficial Orthodox Romanians but King Leopold instruct the General Rabutin make exertions to his Transylvanian Romanians go to church together.

Here is the letter to the ruler of Brasov:

„Io Costandin voevod Bojiĭu milostiĭu gospodarŭ zemli Vlahscoe

Molitvelor voastre preoților dela Brașov și altor bătrâni den Șchéĭ sănătate vă poftim, carté ce ațtrimis néu venit și toate căte ne scrieț am înțeles. Căt pentru dumnéluĭ piscupul de aciĭ din Ardél, în ce féu s-aŭ purtat și ce aŭ făcut am conoscut din scrisoare-vă, de care bună nădéjde am avut șiîncredințat săntem, că Dumnezeŭ unora ca acestora, cariĭ ocărăscu și nu cinstescu légéîntru care s-au pomenit și înainté lui Dumnezeŭ s-au făgăduit, cu degrab le va răsplăti, că de multe ori aceasta am văzut, că cel ce-ș lasă légé sa și poftéște alta, ĭ-aŭ plată de la direptul Judecător Dumnezeu, ĭar molitva voastrăși dumnévoastră alalți pravoslavnici, cumcă nimic nu v-aș lunecat, nici aț umblat după acéĭa, ci aț păzit curata lége cé pravoslavnică caré de la părințiĭși moșii voștri o aveț, de aceasta foarte néu părut bine și ném bucurat, căcunoaștem că aț făcut lucru cinstit și cuvios, plăcut lui Dumnezeu și oamenilor celor înțelepți, dela care Dumnezeu rugăm să văîntăréscă și să vă păzéscă tot în cea strămoșască pravoslavnică lége, să o puteț ținé și păzi curată și nezmintită, căci noi vedem și de la curté împărătéscă dela Becĭavem știre că piscupul n-are voe împărătéască ca să facă silă oamenilor, fără că numaĭ ceĭ ce vor vré de voĭa lor. Decĭ nu găndim, nici socotim că să va tinde dumnélui maĭ mult den cătu-ĭ iaste porunca, și ales, că la acé besérică săntem și noĭ ctitorĭ, de vréme ce ĭaste făcută de răposațDomniĭ acești ță ce trebuiaște să păzéscăși să urméze légé care au ținut pănă acum și noĭ iarșcu céĭa ce va fi de pre parté noastră a vă păzi și avă ajuta, cu céia ce se va puté, nu vom lipsi.Înțeles-am, căși părinț dela Făgărașși alțĭ creștini pravoslavnicĭ, ĭarăș asémené nimic nu s-aŭlunecat cu firé, ce ș-au păzit cinsté legiĭ sale, care și de aceasta mult ném bucurat, măcar că așa li s-au căzut a și face, dé vreme ce noi acé sfăntă besérecă o am rădicat și o am făcut cu acénădejde că o închinăm présfănțitei săborniceștii a răsăritului Beséreci și că va fi prăn putință preoțiĭși creștiniĭ lăcuitoriĭ de acolo, de acé pravoslavie să nu să lipséscăși noi iar zicem, cu céia ce ne va fi prin putință căuta și aĭ păzi nu vom lipsi. Aceasta acum și Dumnezeu pururé să vă fieîntr-ajutor.

Iulie 5, 7209
Io Costandin voevod”

Honoring him for his trouble in defending the true faith, Patriarch of Constantinople Calinic ruler Constantin writes the following:

“Shining Lord, as we see, soak in a second Patriarch and Church of provision for any cause and take care of the Church in many; which make us think that because of work and gentlemen and those of the Patriarchs, praise your enlightened and three times deserve praise, rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven much for your labors. “

Brancoveanu family, model of Christian living

Trustworthy Prince Constantine and his lady, Maria, had four sons and seven daughters. Of the four sons firstborn, Constantin, named after his father, name of the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great. Second, Stephen, was named in memory of Trustworthy Prince Stefan the Great Spirit. Third, Radu, founder named Country Romanian Radu Negru the Ruler, rookie Basarab dynasty. The fourth was named as his father approached Matthew Matei Basarab the Ruler, great founder and ruler in a long reign of peace.

Maria Brancoveanu ladies tending their all children in the fear of God and love the sense of nation. Often made with catechesis, after committing gathered together for morning and evening prayers, studied and competed in poetic and literary writings. He had close ties with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, it emerges from the written correspondence between them, where you can see the love Brâncoveni Orthodoxy, unbroken zeal to defend the truth of Orthodoxy, but also many donations offered by Brancoveanu family Patriarchate of Jerusalem. But Jerusalem was not only enjoyed by donations Brâncoveni but to Sinai and Mount Athos came the great willingness and Ruler gifts.

Codex accustomed to the church, they were the religious services, continuing and often children made up the biggest praise Saints celebrate. So they kept some of his sons Brancoveanu writings:

Martyrdom Saints Brâncoveni, arrested in Good Friday, martyred at the Feast of the Assumption

Gin vizier Ali Pasha had long been a big hatred against St. Constantine undergone a prince to see how the Christian faith has so much power that can keep the country unconquered the Turkish army. Therefore, the vizier seeketh to overthrow the throne of the Romanian Country St. Constantine-Prince, to take his possessions and, if they could, to get him to renounce the Christian faith.

Occasion have arisen after the 1711 war between Russia and Turkey kingdom when Cantemir’s armies were overcome by pagans. Turks have learned that Moldovan armies were secretly helped by Constantin the Ruler, the prince defendant even some of his boyars. These wicked piled on their heads still a punishment: they drafted letters concocted showing that Romanian prince of the kingdom Ottoman enemy was.

Enemies St. Constantine chose the most appropriate time to accomplish their plan. It was towards the end of Lent since 1714. Being helped by traitors boyars, pagans caught Constantin V the Ruler Good Friday with all his house and took him to Constantinople. Here they were thrown into prison.

About advisor Ianache, who was martyred along with his lord we know that was part of the old generation of boyars Văcăreşti and was trusted counselor of St. Constantine. He founded the church of St. Nicholas in Văcăreşti. Close friendship with Prince have attracted suspicion and hatred Gin vizier Ali Pasha who knew him well, for he had great advisor Ianache ground the gate of Mr. Country Romanian. From here it followed catching, imprisoning, torturing and then killing him.

For four months, St. Constantine was subjected to tortures of the executioners Sultan, whipped, burned with red-hot hooks, hung by his feet, to confess the facts he was charged and deny the Christian faith. But failing pagans anything, they decided the death of all male Brâncoveni for August 15 1714 to mock the Feast of the Assumption.

The convicts were brought down and barefoot at killing them. After being read his punishment, the executioner beheaded advisor Ianache. They were then cut eldest son, Constantine, who was 31 years, 29 years Stefan Radu, 24 years old, the sight of their father. They say those who were present and they declared in writing these terrible wrongdoing that Matthew, the youngest son of St. Constantine, aged only 12 years old, frightened by the destruction of his brethren, had a moment of weakness natural at his age early, which gave hope that Muslims will pass their faith. But St. Constantine said with clear voice: “From our blood was not one to relinquish their faith!” Then, strengthened by the grace of God, the young Matthew said butcher: “I want to die a Christian, strike!” And soon the butcher severed his head as others. Finally his father beheaded. Then their bodies were thrown into the sea, and heads were hung in front of the great dome of the shed and remained there for three days.

God had willed that Martyr Constantin relics remain hidden in the sea. Faithful wife of Prince watched as the body of water to be removed and buried secretly Holy Monastery of Panagia Camariotissa Halki island, founded by Prince.

In 1720, when Ms. Maria brought relics in the country, Oltenia is two years under the rule of Austrian heretics. Therefore, the relics were brought to Hurez but were buried secretly in St. George church in Bucharest.

The lamp of silver that shines reverend tomb is written: “This lamp that were given to St. George the New lights where rest the bones of the blessed Lord Io Constandin Brancoveanu Basarab Prince and is made by Mrs His Highness Maria, which Maria here again to wait for the LORD shall rest to bones. July 12 days year 7288 (1720) “.

In 1992, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church canonized these Holy Martyrs, showing imitate the example of their testimony. Whose holy prayers to Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
