
Feast of the Resurrection inaugurates Pentecostarion period. With the Resurrection of Christ during the kingdom of God opens for hymns and prayers evoked by the Church. God’s kingdom is the kingdom of the Holy Trinity. The period from Easter to Pentecost, is a revelation of the Trinity upward, constantly highlighting the Trinity, the fundamental doctrine …

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În Postul Mare, în zilele de rând se posteşte post aspru, însă sâmbăta şi duminica postul primeşte ceva din lumina Învierii, veşmintele nu mai sunt întunecate, ci strălucitoare. Postul alimentar continuă, dar primeşte mângâierea Liturghiei, adică a Împărtăşirii cu Trupul şi Sângele lui Hristos. Această realitate deschide o lume a luminii şi bucuriei prin care …

Continue reading The Liturgy of Presanctified Offerings

As we already have seen, the eucharistic Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on lenten weekdays. In order for the faithful to sustain their lenten effort by participation in Holy Communion, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. The service is an ancient one in the Orthodox Church. We officially hear …

Continue reading Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Beloved faithful,

We invite you to participate in the celebration of the Icon “Portaitissa” which has been in our church since 2019. Careful and fulfilling the prayers of so many believers, the Icon of the Virgin Mary Portaitissa will be taken out for worship in the middle of the church, and at the end of the Mass it will be carried in procession around the church.

The event will take place on Sunday, 12 of February, starting at 12 pm, crowned by the celebration of the Holy Mass, followed by a potluck, to which all the faithful present are invited to participate.

May God bless and protect you!