
  December 1 is the National Day of Romania, adopted by law after removing the communist regime. From a historical perspective, December 1, 1918, the National Assembly of Alba Iulia, consisting of 1,228 delegates and supported by over 100,000 Romanian came from all over Transylvania and Banat, adopted a resolution by which it was sanctioned …

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The Saint Metropolit Nektarios, who left for the eternal ones in 1920 – served in a church for more than a week in 2001! Many of us know that Saint Nektarios is very godly honored by the Greek people. The Greeks even have a proverb “There is no suffering that Saint Nektarios could not heal.” …

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Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of the church year represents a key point, which they are linked, as the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, more liturgical celebrations and ordinances. The importance of the Holy Cross, symbol of Sacrifice Saviour Church, his Bride, was highlighted from the time the Apostles …

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