Annunciation or popular Blagovestenia (Slavic) reminds us that day proclaimed Archangel Gabriel Virgin that would give birth to the Son of God. This is the first festival of the Virgin confirmed in documents. Celebration date ranged from the beginning, some a feast on the eve of Epiphany, on January 5, and others, in certain Western …
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Continue reading (Română) Patriarhul Neofit al Bulgariei, prieten al româniorThe first day of Lent, the Great Canon song gives the believer “key” to understanding the harsh journey he has to go to Resurrection repentance, newness of life, return to God. Creation of St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, Canon exceeds the amount any other canon hymnodic. At the same time, the depth of the ideas …
Continue reading The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of CreteSorry, this entry is only available in Română.
Continue reading (Română) Triodul, un rezumat al mântuirii omuluiThe christian celebration of Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste was superimposed over the traditional start of the agricultural year and generated a Romanian traditional celebration, martyrs or “măcinicii”. On this day, proceed to clean household garbage collected posing fire with fire brought from home only to bring the heat in the house and outside. In …
Continue reading Romanian customs and traditions on Holy 40 MartyrsSorry, this entry is only available in Română.
Continue reading (Română) Sfinții 40 de Mucenici, modele de credință și prietenieSpeech delivered by Prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy, in the Academy Hall, on the occasion of the National Culture Day: “The Day of National Culture always takes us back to those who forged Romanian culture, to those who spoke and sang verses in Romanian, in the fields, at the horă or in …
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