Father lives in a studio Double or what is called in the West a small studio. Receivable is received between rooms, of not more than ten square meters. Beyond the bedroom windows, where the foot of the bed double, the parent table is Stăniloae Dumitru has worked much of his writings. This side is a …
Continue reading Father Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993) – a man familiar with GodImage
The relics of St. Cyprian, defender of spells and curses. We pass it making us cross, but without knowing that the walls coated in paintings of archangels and saints, the Church still Zlatari hide a treasure and precious: hand St. Cyprian, the great patron of spells and curses. Caught in the vise of hulking blocks, …
Continue reading The treasure of Zlatari Church, in BucharestIvan the Terrible, the bloodiest character of Russian history, plagiarism teachings of Neagoe to get to Constantinople bazileu title. Porte did not notice the fake. Plagiarism was discovered 400 years. Neagoe, ruler of Romanian between 1512 and 1521, is the author of the famous work “The teachings of Neagoe Basarab to his son Theodosius.” Writing …
Continue reading Plagiarism of four centuries old: How were stolen the Teachings of Neagoe Basarab by Tsar Ivan the TerribleOn 26 September, the Romanian Christian Orthodox calendar is commemorated Holy Prince Neagoe. In the working session of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, meeting at the Patriarchal Residence in Bucharest on 8-9 July 2008 decided canonization of St. Hyacinth Hierarch of Vicina, the first metropolitan of the Romanian Country, the Saint Pious …
Continue reading Holy Prince Neagoe Basarab of Curtea de ArgesOn the condition of man. People, until they come to know something greater, are satisfied with the little that they have. Man is like a village rooster who lives in a small enclosure with few people and farm animals about, who knows his ten hens and is content with this life, because he knows no …
Continue reading Teachings and admonitions of Elder SiluanSchema-monk Siluan of Mt. Athos (his secular name was Semyon Ivanovich Antonov) was born in 1866 in the village of Shov, Lebedinsk region of the Tambov district of Russia. He first arrived on Mt. Athos in 1892, was tonsured in 1896 and took the vows of the schema in 1911. His period of obedience was …
Continue reading The Life of Elder SiluanIn Phrygia, not far from the city of Hieropolis, in a place called Cheretopos, there was a church named for the Archangel Michael, built over a miraculous spring. This church was built by a certain inhabitant of the city of Laodicia in gratitude to God for healing his mute daughter. The holy Chief Commander Michael …
Continue reading Commemoration of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at ColossaeIn the life of saints there is no tomorrow. Maybe just a night. Or a continuous today. A truth that I understand the Archdiocese of Râmnic Stânişoara Monastery, listening to Father Abbot Lawrence, with whom I walked the paths of Pious Saint Neophytos and Meletios, who had some cracks in the rock here. This “last …
Continue reading The Saints Who Lived In The PresentThe Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Icon of our Lord Jesus Christ Not-Made-by-Hands occurred in the year 944. Eusebius, in his HISTORY OF THE CHURCH (I:13), relates that when the Savior was preaching, Abgar ruled in Edessa. He was stricken all over his body with leprosy. Reports of the great miracles worked by …
Continue reading Translation of the Image “Not-Made-By-Hands” of our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to ConstantinopleAll Saints Sunday and Romanian Saints Sunday encourages us to meditate on access to holiness. Spiritual progress remains real and pure only shelter discretion. The term called one of the finest and thinnest virtues that accompany the traveler on the road of perfection. Do not know what you’re doing. Saint knows that is holy is …
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