One question that was constantly put to Fr. Arsenius was whether, given the rich experience of his life, with its heavy years of imprisonment and periods of retreat in the wilderness, a miracle had been worked on him. Father deftly avoided a direct answer, judging the question to be more of curiosity than of use. …
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Holy Martyr Panteleimon is one of the most famous and venerated saints of the Church. Commemorated on 27 July is called “doctor without silver,” thereby revealing how he pretended not to anybody any kind of payment for the favors committed. It is considered the patron of doctors and healer of the sick, the doctor follows …
Continue reading Saint Panteleimon – patron of doctors and patients fully healerThe Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon was born in the city of Nicomedia into the family of the illustrious pagan Eustorgius, and he was named Pantoleon. His mother St Euboula (March 30) was a Christian. She wanted to raise her son in the Christian Faith, but she died when the future martyr was just a …
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Continue reading (Română) Sfântul Prooroc Ilie, exemplu de credință și curajHoly Prophet Elijah the Tishbite is celebrated on July 20. Saint Elias was the son of Sovac, a priest of the Old Law, who lived in the city TESVA, Gilead (Israel). From the name of this city, we have the name of the prophet of Tishbite. Enjoys a special honor from the Church, if we …
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Continue reading (Română) Cei mai cunoscuți sfinți doctori fără de argințiIt is the celebration of the oldest holy martyrs known as the territory of Dobrogea, Epictetus and Astion, the Orthodox Church commemorates on 8 July. Description of life and their passion was kept in the Acts of the Martyrs with large details. They are known as saints Halmyris, the ancient Christian city located on the …
Continue reading The oldest saints in Romania, Epictet and AstionAlthough they are small, these catacombs are very rich in meanings. The name was originally given ad catacumbas galleries here, then this name became common to all Christian underground cemeteries. In these catacombs are buried some martyrs century III: Eutichius, Quirinius, Maximus and Sebastian. In the third century, the catacombs have become the most important …
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