Church hierarchy
Deacons, which forms the first step hierarchy in the Church are ordained bishops in each diocese canonically elected. They alone can not serve Mass and can not commit any church service without priests and bishops. They help only in the religious services.
The priests, the second step of the Church hierarchy, bishops are ordained for a particular church or parish. Canonically ordained priests can commit any jobs holy bishop ordained in the parish, outside ordination and consecrations of churches. They can confess sins and loose with the blessing of Bishop believers only if they were ordained and ordained canon confessors.
Bishops, the highest rung of the hierarchy of the church, bishops are ordained of three after they were elected first and canonically by all members of the Holy Synod bishops forming of each local Orthodox Churches. Bishops have different ranks: archbishops, metropolitans and patriarchs in every Orthodox country after practice and Orthodox canon law.
Church authority
The supreme authority of each national Orthodox Church Holy Synod is the respective local, ie the sum of all Orthodox bishops in each country. And the supreme authority of the entire Orthodox Church is ecumenical synod of bishops of all the Orthodox Churches format. Ecumenical Council, ie universal, as local, ie national, leads the Church of Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Holy Synod decisions must be respected by all those members of the Orthodox Church: clergy and people.
Christ is canonically ordained bishop and priests ministers representing Saints. Therefore Fathers teach us to obey the bishop as Jesus Christ Himself, and priests to obey the Apostles (St. Ignatius of Antioch). The grace of the Holy Spirit received in ordination of bishops is given by direct succession from the Apostles and sent to all priests ordained by the laying on of hands.