Sfânta Ecaterina, fiica lui Consta, predecesorul împăratului păgân Maximian, s-a născut în cetatea Alexandriei. Provenind dintr-o familie de rang înalt, Ecaterina a beneficiat de multe privilegii, a studiat foarte mult, astfel că, la vârsta de 18 ani, era cunoscută pentru frumuseţea şi înţelepciunea sa. Mulţi dintre cei bogaţi ar fi vrut să o aibă soţie, …
Continue reading Miracles of Saint CatherineStefan Morariu
Some monk was in the sheath and was under a parent for a few years. This, from the end of the devil’s enemy, coming out of obedience to the old man, left without any reason from his guide, trailing his covenant; because he was under the bond of obedience, without the consent of denying it. …
Continue reading Useful complianceThe Protection of the Mother of God is the celebration of the Church in memory of the appearance of the Mother of God in the church of Vlaherne. On October 1, 911, this church was observed in order to save the fortress that was besieged. At four o’clock in the morning, the Mother of God …
Continue reading Protection of the Mother of GodI was born in January 1922 in the town of Barlad, from Orthodox Romanian people to nation. I attended primary school and high school in the city of Barlad, then the Academy of High Economic Studies in Bucharest. I was arrested on May 16, 1948, and sentenced me to 15 years of hard labor, then …
Continue reading The confession of Father Vasile Pătrașcu (January 1, 1922 – September 23, 2006)The Romanian Orthodox Church “St. John the Evangelist“ of Toronto appeals to all faithful who want to help buy a place of worship to donate through this project so that we can submit an offer on July 19, 2017 for the purchase of the 2 Nobert Rd building at Victoria Park and 401. May God …
Continue reading Fund raising campaignSfantul Ioan Maximovici, episcop de Shanghai si de San Francisco, s-a nascut in data de 4 iunie 1896, in satul Adamovka, din regiunea Harkov, Rusia, si a trecut la cele vesnice in ziua de 2 iulie 1966, in orasul Seattle, dupa savarsirea Sfintei Liturghii. Sfantul Ioan Maximovici a fost canonizat in anul 1994, de Biserica …
Continue reading Saint John MaximovitchBiserica Ortodoxa, in ziua de 2 iulie, face pomenirea asezarii vesmantului Nascatoarei de Dumnezeu in Vlaherne. Sfantul Vesmant al Maicii Domnului (Esthitos in greaca) este diferit de Braul Maicii Domnului, a carui praznuire are loc pe 31 august. Din Sinaxar aflam ca vesmantul a fost adus la Constantinopol de catre doi frati, nobili, Galvie si …
Continue reading The Mother of God VestmentChristianity honors two great saints Antonie, an early one, of the Church of the East, and another closer to our times, of the Western Church, whose memory is still today. The article wishes to forestall the possible confusion of the two saints. It is, therefore, of St. Anthony the Great, the founder of monasticism and …
Continue reading St. Anthony of Padua, follower of St. Anthony the GreatThe secret archives of the Vatican are undoubtedly at the top of the list of the most mysterious places in the world. There are some of the most important documents in Europe’s history, accessible only to a select group of people – the Pope himself does not have full access to the entire archive. Archives …
Continue reading Some documents from Vatican Archives“The Apostle of Christ, the beloved of God, hurries to deliver the unrepentant people. That he receives you when you fall to Him, the One who received you when you rested on his comb; And the cloud of the pagans which he hath laid upon us to scatter him, asking us for new peace and …
Continue reading Saint John the Evangelist