Stefan Morariu
Concertul tradițional de colinde al Patriarhiei Române „Răsăritul cel de Sus” – 17 decembrie 2020 Tudor Gheorghe – Iarna Acompaniază: Orchestra simfonică și corul formate din membri ai Teatrului de Operă și Operetă Elena Theodorini din Craiova Dirijor si orchestrator: Marius Hristescu Ștefan Hrușcă – Colinde “Să colindă, pă uliță” Interpretează: Veta Biriș, Florica Zaha, …
Continue reading Christmas CarolsIn Bethsaida – the “house of the winds” – a small fortress in the north of the Holy Land, in the family of the fisherman Iona, saw the light of the day St. Andrew the Apostle, brother to Simon-Peter, who was to become, in turn, a fisherman. at the call of the Savior. It is …
Continue reading St. Andrew the Apostle, from the Sea of Galilee to the Black SeaJohn was a contemporary of influential people. A glorious constellation of geniuses was the light during those years that St. John preached in Constantinople. In the West were Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine. In the east were three Cappadocian Saints: Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa, educated, magnetic and fascinating. They were men that St. …
Continue reading Who was Saint John Chrysostom?About creation So, for the good and too good God was not satisfied with the contemplation of his own, but the crowd goodness deigned to do anything to receive His favor and partake of his goodness, bring non-existence to existence and creates the universe both the invisible and the visible, and man, which is composed …
Continue reading The unseen world of the Holy AngelsChurch celebrates Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel together with all the angels. By the word “archangel” we mean “greater than angels” or “the first of the angels.” And “angel” means “messenger” because herald angels on earth and make known God’s people. The angels are “ministering spirits,” says the prophet David; Him, Who make His angels …
Continue reading Holy Archangels Michael and GabrielThe Holy Archangels make up the eighth angelic flesh of the nine known and serve God incessantly, communicating to His people His will. Sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition testify to the continuing relationship of heavenly powers with men and reveal the name of seven Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Rafail, Uriil, Salatiil, Iegudiil, and Varahil, to which …
Continue reading Well known Archangels