Our Church is holding the memorial from 10:30 am.

Saturday, June 22, before Pentecost Sunday is the “land of summer” festival dedicated to commemorating the dead. On this occasion, in all Orthodox churches celebrate Holy Mass will be followed by the memorial service dies.

Orthodox Church consecrated Saturday as a day of remembrance of the dead. Two of Saturdays during the church year are dedicated in a special way the general commemoration of the dead: Saturday before Sunday Farewell to Meat (a scary judge) Saturday and Sunday before Pentecost the Holy Spirit (Pentecost Saturday).

In Saturday before Sunday Farewell to Meat is remembrance of the dead, because next Sunday to celebrate the church ordained awful judgment, which we will depict all in the Hereafter. Therefore, since many righteous Old Testament asleep without seeing the promised Savior and waited and many Christians have died suddenly and without preparation and without the necessary repentance, the Church makes intercession for them.

In Saturday before the Sunday of Pentecost the Holy Spirit the Church again in remembrance general of the dead, praying for them through prayers and hymns included in the job day in Penticostarion, because they too are enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit, whose descent is commemorated next Sunday.

Why do the remembrance of the dead?

The church calls those past life beyond “sleepers”, a term that has meaning status of which you may find yourself. She speaks not pass into a state of nothingness, but passage from one mode of existence to another way of being. Christ will give word “asleep”, meaning that associates it with the resurrection. When Saviour reaches the house of Jairus, whose daughter, only 12 years old, had just died, she says: “Do not weep; not dead, but sleeping” (Luke: 8,52).

According to Scripture, the particular judgment after death follows, after which one comes to share either happiness or suffering, given the way of living on state land (united with God or separated from Him). These states are not definitive, they last up to Universal Judgment, when your entire human race and resurrection will occur when final decisions relating to the state of happiness or suffering. We Orthodox pray for the dead because we have faith that our prayers, we pray for the soul will reach universal judgment in a better state than that which was separated from the body.

Father Professor Ene Braniste says the Orthodox Church, consecrating this Saturday commemorating General of the dead, has done nothing more than to Christianize ancient pagan festival of the summer, called parenting by the Romans they remembered and honored the dead (parents) their (parentes, where parenting).

Other days of remembrance of the dead

In popular belief they were settled during newest – especially in the Romanian and the Russian Church – and other days than Saturdays, from some fixed date, others with variable time for remembrance of the dead.

Thus, the Russian Church commemorated on August 6, when, the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Church prays and the dead to share the divine light of Tabor.

In Russian Church practice, in ancient times, a general memory of the dead, popularly known as the “Low Sunday” that occurs after Thomas Sunday. This practice, which seems very ancient origins, arrived in the eastern part of our country (Moldova), and even in some regions of Transylvania and Banat, where “Low Sunday” are also called “Mosii Easter” and is celebrated by Thomas Sunday or on Monday either Thomas Sunday (Banat) or even the Monday of Bright week.

Romanian church in general is remembrance of the heroes, that all those killed on the battlefield in Ascension Thursday, for the souls of those who sacrificed themselves to rise, with the Lord in glory.

Summer estates – Customs and beliefs

“Memorial summer”, held in Saturday Pentecost is one of the most important moments of the cult of the dead. Before it was believed that the souls of the dead, after leaving graves in Holy Thursday and flew loose for 50 days, returning to the underworld in Whit Saturday. For this return to take place without incident, people Introductory rites persuasion and placate the spirits of the dead: households and graves adorned with branches of lime make mention gorgeous, practices that have been preserved until today.

Pentecost is give alms clay pots, cups, bowls and wooden vessels (tocopherol), adorned with flowers and stuffed with milk, wine or water. In some villages in Bukovina “Memorial summer” starts slipping away since the morning of Pentecost, when alms mentioned above are sent to the homes of neighbors. But the ritual of remembrance takes place mostly in cemeteries, where graves are cleaned and decorated the entire time and burn candles during the commemoration ceremony is held. Reconciliation souls of the dead and return without incident in their graves offerings depend on wealth (alms) and ritual observance.

source: crestinortodox.roOur Church makes the memorial (St. Mass and Commemorations) from 10:30 am.

Saturday, June 15th, before Pentecost Sunday is the “land of summer” festival dedicated to commemorating the dead. On this occasion, in all Orthodox churches celebrate Holy Mass will be followed by the memorial service dies.

Orthodox Church consecrated Saturday as a day of remembrance of the dead. Two of Saturdays during the church year are dedicated in a special way the general commemoration of the dead: Saturday before Sunday Farewell to Meat (a scary judge) Saturday and Sunday before Pentecost the Holy Spirit (Pentecost Saturday).

In Saturday before Sunday Farewell to Meat is remembrance of the dead, because next Sunday to celebrate the church ordained awful judgment, which we will depict all in the Hereafter. Therefore, since many righteous Old Testament asleep without seeing the promised Savior and waited and many Christians have died suddenly and without preparation and without the necessary repentance, the Church makes intercession for them.

In Saturday before the Sunday of Pentecost the Holy Spirit the Church again in remembrance general of the dead, praying for them through prayers and hymns included in the job day in Penticostarion, because they too are enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit, whose descent is commemorated next Sunday.

Why do the remembrance of the dead?

The church calls those past life beyond “sleepers”, a term that has meaning status of which you may find yourself. She speaks not pass into a state of nothingness, but passage from one mode of existence to another way of being. Christ will give word “asleep”, meaning that associates it with the resurrection. When Saviour reaches the house of Jairus, whose daughter, only 12 years old, had just died, she says: “Do not weep; not dead, but sleeping” (Luke: 8,52).

According to Scripture, the particular judgment after death follows, after which one comes to share either happiness or suffering, given the way of living on state land (united with God or separated from Him). These states are not definitive, they last up to Universal Judgment, when your entire human race and resurrection will occur when final decisions relating to the state of happiness or suffering. We Orthodox pray for the dead because we have faith that our prayers, we pray for the soul will reach universal judgment in a better state than that which was separated from the body.

Father Professor Ene Braniste says the Orthodox Church, consecrating this Saturday commemorating General of the dead, has done nothing more than to Christianize ancient pagan festival of the summer, called parenting by the Romans they remembered and honored the dead (parents) their (parentes, where parenting).

Other days of remembrance of the dead

In popular belief they were settled during newest – especially in the Romanian and the Russian Church – and other days than Saturdays, from some fixed date, others with variable time for remembrance of the dead.

Thus, the Russian Church commemorated on August 6, when, the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Church prays and the dead to share the divine light of Tabor.

In Russian Church practice, in ancient times, a general memory of the dead, popularly known as the “Low Sunday” that occurs after Thomas Sunday. This practice, which seems very ancient origins, arrived in the eastern part of our country (Moldova), and even in some regions of Transylvania and Banat, where “Low Sunday” are also called “Mosii Easter” and is celebrated by Thomas Sunday or on Monday either Thomas Sunday (Banat) or even the Monday of Bright week.

Romanian church in general is remembrance of the heroes, that all those killed on the battlefield in Ascension Thursday, for the souls of those who sacrificed themselves to rise, with the Lord in glory.

Summer estates – Customs and beliefs

“Memorial summer”, held in Saturday Pentecost is one of the most important moments of the cult of the dead. Before it was believed that the souls of the dead, after leaving graves in Holy Thursday and flew loose for 50 days, returning to the underworld in Whit Saturday. For this return to take place without incident, people Introductory rites persuasion and placate the spirits of the dead: households and graves adorned with branches of lime make mention gorgeous, practices that have been preserved until today.

Pentecost is give alms clay pots, cups, bowls and wooden vessels (tocopherol), adorned with flowers and stuffed with milk, wine or water. In some villages in Bukovina “Memorial summer” starts slipping away since the morning of Pentecost, when alms mentioned above are sent to the homes of neighbors. But the ritual of remembrance takes place mostly in cemeteries, where graves are cleaned and decorated the entire time and burn candles during the commemoration ceremony is held. Reconciliation souls of the dead and return without incident in their graves offerings depend on wealth (alms) and ritual observance.

source: crestinortodox.ro