St. Basil the Great has made Molitvas that bears his name (exorcisms) to be read on his birthday, but to help many of the possessed, overcome by the devil. The tradition of reading Molitvas of St. Basil the Great in January 1 is not general in the Orthodox Church, but only one site without justification historical and liturgical.
In reading of Molitvas of St. Basil the Great Year’s Eve or immediately after Liturgy of the first day of the year, the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, following a debate synod of February 17, 2011, decided: “Bishops Diocesan shall clergy guidance pastoral and spiritual to observe ordinance reading of Molitvas of St. Basil the Great in days of fasting, in individual cases and, where appropriate, in connection with the Sacrament of Holy Unction, when the patient request this ordinance shall be accompanied by fasting and confession, so the clergy and the faithful. Reading of Molitvas of St. Basil the Great in the night passage of years is a regional practice, seen especially in the south, approved by the Holy Synod, exist in other areas of the country and especially in practice other sister Orthodox Churches. ”
As is well known, these prayers compiled by St. Basil the Great is a series of curses addressed to the devil possessing a soul and torments him visibly. For this, this prayer is being uttered by a priest falls only people demonized, tops in the presence of relatives and friends, prayed together.
Moreover, preparation for these prayers must be a serious, both from the priest prayed, and from the face (demon, if possible, and companions). Thus, to take part in these molitvas, each is obligated to fast even a rough day (fasting, if possible) to confess and take communion.
In this day of the year, when the Orthodox Church calendar tells us that fasting is not is somewhat difficult for all participants to prepare these prayers after fit. Because between December 25 and January 5 are not fasting and not doing prostrations, being a period of great joy, these days are not suitable for committing of Molitvas. Although it can be fast, with the blessing of the confessor, but it ought not to get out of listening area bishop, who is best able to rule in such special cases.
Because many priests read without these molitvas ordinance, ie without sufficient preparation and without the blessing of their spiritual father, on them and their families will be affected by many negative effects of this practice, often without understanding the cause.
If we remember the content of the Prayer of St. Basil the Great, as well as St. John Chrysostom (Molitvas), we easily see the direct attack of the devil, by cursing and swearing. In these prayers do not make requests for redemption of passions and pride, sensuality, anger and the like.
To read these prayers for all believers, not demonized, it seems to be something unintelligible. You should know that, being possessed by a passion, is not tantamount to being demonized (possessed), for which, to command the devil to get out of some people that he is not dwelt, it is more useful than prayer, fasting and dense Confession of those concerned. Thus, every passion would go after those who molitvas, they should know that there are demonized as long as they feel sane and not in her physical presence of the devil.
For the above, I believe that St. Basil the Great Molitvas should be read only in individual cases possessed and not to all people. Special training of priests and those who participate in these prayers is witnessed by many of the great Fathers of the Orthodox Church and their utterance without this preparation see it being dangerous for both priest and for those present.
It is great need for believers to understand that fasting, prayer, confession dense, active participation in the Liturgy and partaking of the sacraments are the most powerful weapons against the devil, and not the wrong slot of Molitvas St. Basil the Great. Those molitvas be read only demonized people, they are not even then hexes effective without an authentic Christian feeling from the demonized or his relatives.