The fundamental assertion “believe in God”, although seemingly simple in its essentiality, is a reality that opens to the world the infinite mystery of communion with God and His dispensation. Act of faith means letting ourselves be gripped by the truth that is God, a truth that is Love, Jesus Christ, who emptied the sky or to immerse themselves in the world of men in our world, to teach the “art of living” the road of happiness science to become sons of God.

To believe in God is to believe in an abstract God, a hypothesis but a personal God, a God who is, who is currently entered in history. Communication must always have faith and always a tone of joy. It is Easter joy, not to silence or hide the realities of pain, suffering, difficulty, misunderstanding, doubt and even death, but knows how to provide criteria for interpreting everything in the perspective of Christian hope. Evangelical life is precisely this new look, this ability to see every situation as God. It is important to help our contemporaries to understand one thing: faith is not a difficulty but a source of deep joy that God’s work is to perceive and recognize the presence of good, which makes no noise.

Education of faith

We are called to carry in our hearts the hope to rediscover how much unspoken joy there is in faith and enthusiasm communication to retrieve all the truths of faith. These truths are not merely the message of God, a special information about him, but instead they express God’s event meeting with people, meeting-attendance saving and liberating presence, performing the deepest aspirations and desires of man. Faith makes us discover that values the encounter with Jesus Christ, perfects and elevates what is true, good and beautiful in man. It so happens that, while God is revealed and known allow man gets to know who is God and knowing him, discovers himself, his own home, his own vocation, the grandeur and dignity of human life.
What does it mean to believe today? In fact, during our education requires a renewed belief, including of course a knowledge of its truths and events of salvation, but especially to be born a true encounter with God in Jesus Christ, the love of Christ in putting their trust in Christ, so that all of life is involved.
But we see around us every day that many remain skeptical, indifferent or refuses to accept this proclamation. Trust in the Holy Spirit must always stimulate us to preach the gospel, wealth courageous witness to the faith; but, apart from the possibility of a positive response to the gift of faith, there is also the risk of denial of the Gospel, non-receipt of existential encounter with Christ. St. Augustine already put this issue in a review of his parable of the sower in: “We talk,” he said, “take the seed, sow. There are those who despise those who reproached those who scoff. If we are afraid of them, there’s nothing sowing and harvest day will remain without harvest. Therefore come good seed in the earth “(Discourses about discipline Christian, 13, 14: PL 40, 677-678). So it can deter some denial. As Christians, we are witness to this fertile ground our faith, be it with our limitations, shows that there is good soil where the seed of the Word of God produce abundant fruits of justice, peace and love, of genuine humanity to salvation. And the whole history of the Church, with all its problems, demonstrates that there is good soil, good seed and bear fruit there.
Jesus Christ is both the center of world history and the history of each individual center. We can present him to the joys and aspirations, sorrows and anxieties of which is woven our lives. When Jesus is the reference center of life, even the darkest moments of our existence lights and give us hope. Today we all can think of our history, in our way. Each of us has its history; each of us has his doubts and mistakes, sins and his weaknesses, his happy moments and its dark moments.

God hurry to meet us, but never in no hurry to leave

In Scripture, God always appears as the one who takes the initiative meeting with the man: it is Christ who seek man and usually seek him even while man has bitter experience and tragic to doubt him, Al betray God and flee from Him. God does not expect to be searched: He seeks out man. Our father is a patient seeker! Christ awaits us always. It never ceases to wait, do not depart from us, but has the patience to wait for a favorable time meeting with each of us. And when the meeting takes place, it is never a hurried meeting because God wants to stay long with us to support us, to comfort us, to give us His joy God hurry to meet us, but never in no hurry to leave. Stay with us. Then he can say, has hurt us, he wants to meet us. Our God is longing for us. And this is the heart of God. It’s nice to hear that in Christ we have a heart that beats in the depths of our hearts.

Our faith needs the support of others

If we are united, faith becomes stronger. How beautiful is to support each others looking great faith! I say this because we tend to close the private space and influenced the faith, so often ask for spiritual help hard for those who share the Christian experience with us.
Who among us has not experienced all insecurities, doubts and even errors in the path of faith? We’ve all experienced these goals: somehow part of a push by faith, are part of our lives. All this should not surprise us, because we are human beings, marked by fragility and limitations; we are finite, we have doubts. However, at various times of heavy need to trust in God’s help through prayer subsidiary and at the same time, it is important to find the courage and humility to open ourselves to others, to ask for help, to ask you to reach out hand. How many times have I done this and then I managed to get out of the impasse and to find God again! In this communion, oneness we are one big family where all the members help and support each other.
How to be the love of Jesus is faithful to the end, even to the sacrifice of life is the way of the Cross, the path of love crucified. For this walk of faith passes through the Cross and Virgin Mary understood this from the beginning, when Herod wanted to kill the newborn Jesus. But then this Cross has become deeper when Jesus was refused: Theotokos faith when faced misunderstanding, doubt and scorn of the world; when he arrived “hour” of Jesus, watch the Passion, the Virgin Mary was faith candle that shines in the darkness. On the night of Holy Saturday, Lady privegheat. Her small candle remained lit until the dawn of the Resurrection; and when he reached her the news that the tomb was empty, her heart was widespread joy of faith, the Christian faith in the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
