Disunity of the christians for the Holy Three Hierarchs

In the reign of Alexis Comnenus who took the scepter of the kingdom in 1081 after Botaniat king, was sparked misunderstanding between men of honor and improve. Some worshiped more on Basil, saying that it is high in word, as one who researched the word temper those are the facts resemble almost angels, it was not easily forgiving, it was fire and determined it was not possessed by any earthly thing. Instead, they are descending on divine Chrysostom, saying that it was somewhat averse Basil, because too easily forgive and called for repentance. Still others exalt this divine Chrysostom, saying that his teaching is human and everyone goes, and persuaded them to repentance by the sweetness of his speech. They said that John Chrysostom is more important than the great Basil and Gregory the multitude of his speeches, the sweet honey, the power and depth of thought. Others were inclined to divine Gregory, meaning that he would be greater than all, and the old ones, you proclaim the greek teachings, and ours, by height, beauty and propriety of his speeches and writings. Therefore Gregory said that conquers all and is higher than Basil and John. So it had gotten there that the world was divided: some were called Johannine other Basiliens and others Gregoriens, and Price in words was in the name of these saints.

Later, after several years, the saints they showed him, one by one, then three together real and not a dream, the high priest who shepherded then city of Evhaitens, and whose name was John, the man wise in all, a connoisseur of teaching in Greek, as is evident from his writings, and who was the peak of virtue.

Then, in a voice grăiră saints to him: we, as you see, God are one and no opposition or hostility is not between us. But each in his time, urged by the Holy Spirit, I wrote teachings of man’s salvation. How we breathed the Holy Spirit, so I learned. Not between us, one first and one second, and you call one, coming the other two. Wherefore, arise from those who PRICE commands not to quarrel for us. Our asceticism that was it, and how I was living after I slept, to reconcile and to bring the world to the union. Clasps us in one day and we celebrate with decorum. Notify and followers that we are one with God and entrusts them that we will help those who commemorated salvation; For us it seems we have some boldness from God. These saying to them, it seemed that they go up again to heaven, clothed in light untold and calling one another named.

And the wonderful man who was John the Evhaitus, as he made the holy commandment, quieted the crowd and those who were arguing, for this was the man noted for his life improved. He gave the Church feast to be celebrated. And here the thought of this man: knowing that this month of January, it has the three saints: the day first on Basil the Great, twenty-five in the divine Gregory and this twenty-seventh the divine Chrysostom, he celebrated a place on the thirtieth, adorning them with canons job with tropes and praise as fall. It seems that was done willfully saints praise for their dedicated they have no shortage and have surpassed all things were made and how many will do.

The appearance of the Holy Three Hierarchs

These Saints were the state body and their appearance in the image below: divine Chrysostom was very small and very thin, his head high, high above the shoulders, long nose, nostrils wide, his face very yellow mixed with white mansions eyes sunken, but her big eyes gaze that made merry and bright face, although his nature seemed grieved; large forehead, without par with many wrinkles, big ears, small and sparse beard adorned with little hair and gray jaws drawn in because of the perfect job. Needless to say about him that he surpassed all the philosophers Greeks speech, especially on the depth of thought and speech sweetness and flourishing. He expounded Scripture and preached the Gospel like no other use that would have been for him (though he is daring to speak), should again come to Christ on earth. As for virtue and act and look inward, I exceeded all, making the fountain of mercy, love and learning. He lived sixty-three years and pastored the Church of Christ six years.

Basil was tall and straight to the state, gaunt and thin, black face, his nose gone, arched eyebrows, forehead somewhat gloomy, like thinking man and worried, his face elongated and somewhat crumpled, with temples deepened, little hairy at body, bearded quite long, gray half. He surpassed his writings not only the wise men of his day, but the old ones. He had gone through teaching, was master of all knowledge; wise philosophy was using all his works and increasing in the knowledge of the divine mysteries. It has ascended to the seat priesthood when he was forty years old and ruled the church five years.

Gregory the Theologian was the state body, his face pale but cheerful, with wide nose, straight brows, gaze gentle and cheerful; one eye was more grieved blow a sign at the upper eyelid; He did not have too long beard, but it was pretty thick and just and yellow edge. He was bald and white hair.

It’s fair to say that if he had to make any image or any statue adorned with all virtues, then it ought to portray St. Gregory, as he surpassed his glories of living all those skilled in deed. He reached as high theology that prevailed all through the wisdom of speeches and his teachings. Wherefore won the name of Theologian, meaning speaker of God. He lived on earth eighty years and pastored the Church of Constantinople twelve years.

Saints who reconciles us

The Feast of 30 January is a celebration of reconciliation in the Church. Grasp of the faithful dating from the eleventh century, how easy it is to slip into disunity, even with zeal and (uncertain) godly saints. Opportunity to reflect and urge us not to do camps in the Church, no reason. For, following some contemporary Fathers, some have come to quarrel among themselves. A father says: “There are signs that the coming end of the world, to act accordingly.” Another does not deny, but said: “It’s too early noise.” A third retreats into the wilderness and calls to prayer and asceticism. That does not mean it’s strife or discord among them some, like “would have divided Christ” (cf. I Cor 1, 13), but that each has his world, as he gives the Spirit (Cf. Acts 2: 4). We, however, powerless and without light of the Holy Spirit, we may be tempted to absolutize one of the positions of such models spiritual ministering to our destruction and thus the spirit of division and dispute. Three Hierarchs teaches us not to absolutize any work in the Church, but every honor in the Spirit, which is the glory of God, even if resonate more with the life and teachings of a particular saint or a particular spiritual father.

Three Hierarchs but reconciles us not only between us in the Church, but also through their teaching, with all of this world. When I say reconciles us do not understand that urges compromise or undue concessions, but say that helps us get peace in mind and heart, not letting us troubled of anything existing.

Three Hierarchs reconciles us with the science of time. Themselves studied first the human wisdom before he leaned over theology. For her urges us “to obey the teachings of sacred and secret after I was initiated first in secular literature. Once we got used to look at the sun in the water, we can turn our eyes and to his light “(St. Basil the Great, Homilies and speeches, Homily XXII, II PSB, vol. 17, p. 568 ).

Three Hierarchs reconciles us with the cultural phenomenon. Not in the sense of accepting and taste everything that is created in this area, but our capacity as a certain selection. For example in literature: “As other beings only enjoy the smell of lovely flowers and bees can take from flowers and honey, so here, people who seek such writings only pleasant and beautiful can pull and some of them useful for the soul “(St. Basil the Great, Homilies and speeches, Homily XXII, II, III, PSB, vol. 17, pp. 568-569).

Three Hierarchs reconciles us with the existence of those who do not believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There’s only one way to achieve peace in this case, namely being ourselves worthy of the name Christian disciples. “Let the earth sky! (…) When they see that we are meek, without anger, without cravings ugly unenviable, charitable, you will see that only commit good deeds will say: If here on earth, Christians have come angels which will be after they leave this world? (…) Let us, but take care of ourselves, to win and pagans “(St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on Matthew, Homily XLIII, V PSB, vol. 23, p. 517).

Three Hierarchs reconciles us with the human condition, suffering on this earth soaked and full of blatant inequities. It is encouraging to learn from the mouth of the saints that everything we suffer we can be helpful, as taught, for example, St. Gregory the Theologian: “Medical science pursues health and welfare of the body: or to keep it healthy or to restore health, if he lost, although we know that health is not helpful to those who have; their disease is often more useful. Health and disease is like poverty and wealth, glory and lack of glory, social status and humble social status brilliant and all those who, by their nature, sit in the middle between good and evil and not tilted than any one side or another, but get good or bad by the will of the free and the way they employ those who have them “(St. Gregory of Nazianzus, word defense to run in Pontus, volume About priesthood EIBMBOR, Bucharest, 1998, p. 185). In other words, what matters is how we relate us at the good and bad in our lives, we do what we live in. We are all in our hands, if we have faith in God.

Three Hierarchs teaches us how to make peace between us. Peace is much sought after in this age, but the solutions are not political or social, but spiritual nature: “Because there were no divisions and misunderstandings between people if sin would be divided nature into two” (St. Basil great, ascetic Constitutions, Ch. XVIII, II PSB, vol. 18, p. 501).

Three Hierarchs reconciles us even with the devil. Fight this enemy must not scare us: “For anyone asks why the God let the devil (the earth), so to answer, because those awake and watchful not only did not hurt ever, even them he was helpful, not wanting him, of course, because it is cunning, but because of their courage, because it was used properly by his craftiness “(St. John Chrysostom, the Devil and magic, Publisher Agaton, Fagaras, 2012 , p. 4).

Three great and glorious saints commemorated on January 30 teaches us in all that could enumerate craft that gain total peace, who can no longer take for us because springs from the very presence of God in our life. They are apostles of reconciliation and unity, of harmony and communion of the Lord who calls us to perfect love.