All Saints Sunday and Romanian Saints Sunday encourages us to meditate on access to holiness. Spiritual progress remains real and pure only shelter discretion. The term called one of the finest and thinnest virtues that accompany the traveler on the road of perfection. Do not know what you’re doing. Saint knows that is holy is not holy. Saint who wants to know about him that is holy is not holy. Saint who wants to be a saint, there will never be holy. Any good result for them is some failure. There is no mechanical way of holiness. There is a rule that leads to holiness or sanctity provides.

Within the tradition where the discretion is the
queen, the branch shadow of humility, holiness is possible, but it’s a way of searches, is hidden in hope.

Everything treaties spirituality and exhortations Parents and Elders refers to salvation refers to discretion and to holiness. How to get there? I recalled that Abba Alon says “I will man all day long reach far godly.” (Patericon)

Some people are so enough one day, others do not get a life. Some people are prescribed paths heavy and long, others short and mild. It can be another way: light and long routes, and heavy and short routes. Abba Joseph’s confessed to somebody that can not go on any easy way or the hard one. I found the old man and his response: “If you can not do any of this from the very, least keep your knowledge about your neighbor,” that is to beware of judging others.